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搜尋結果 : 和"EC"有關的資料, 共有866筆
The Study of Interaction and Role Between Japanese NGO and Government on ODA
林淑馨Shu-Hsin Lin


After World War II, with the complexity of international affairs, cross border economic activities, new technology and the internet contributed to the increase of human interaction. This also increases the interdependence between countries, as well as the changes in international relationships made the borders among countries more and more vague. The rise of Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) indicated that the concept of “nations as the main player in international affairs” is being challenged. NGOs gradually t..

自由保守與國粹保守: 現代日本保守主義的兩種面向
Liberal Conservatism and National Conservatism: Two Aspects of Modern Japanese Conservatism
安井伸介Shinsuke Yasui


The literature and academia have paid widespread attention to modern Japanese conservatism. Japan’s political society tends to be considered as leaning towards the right especially after the 1990s, resulting in many studies focusing on modern Japanese conservatism and criticizing its phenomenon. Past studies, however, did not often analyze the issue from the viewpoint of political thought, and therefore, this essay aims to fill such a gap. Conservatism has taken on an important role around the world, constitu..

Analysis on the Practice of ‘Fishing Entities’ Concept in Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Special References on Organizations that Taiwan Has Become Members
魏仲伶(Chung-Ling Wei)高世明(Shih-Ming Kao)


As one of the distant water fishing nations (DWFNs) in the world, Taiwan is not able to participate in or access the works of many international organizations, including regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), due to the fact that Taiwan’s statehood is not recognized by the United Nations and most States. The term “Fishing Entities” was created in the 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA), in which it has also opened a window of opportunity for Taiwan in the participation of internat..

糧食安全與貿易自由化關係之研究: 以改革開放後的中國為例
On the Relationship between Food Security and Trade Liberalization: A Case Study of China after Reform and Opening
楊雅婷(Ya-Ting Yang)陳柏琪(Po-Chi Chen)張靜貞(Ching-Cheng Chang)徐世勳(Shih-Hsun Hsu)

中國自1978年改革開放以來,隨著快速的工業化與城市化的發展,國家糧食安全與糧食自給率的確保一直受到高度的重視。然隨著2001年加入世界貿易組織,國際農產品貿易日趨熱絡,糧食自給率逐漸下降,因此引發一個問題,即中國糧食安全程度是否逐漸惡化?糧食安全與貿易自由化是互補關係,抑或是互斥關係?本研究利用經濟學人信息社(Economist Intelligence Unit,以下簡稱:EIU)建構的全球糧食安全指標(Global Food Security Inde..

Food self-sufficiency rate has been the major food security indicator for policy decision-making in China for a very long time. However, after reform and opening the country with increasing international trade, the self-sufficiency ratio of food has gradually decreased, which raises the question, is there a gradual deterioration of China’s food security? This study uses the Global Food Security Index (GFSI) constructed by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), consisting of three sub-indexes, namely affordability, avail..

Directly Elected President, Democratization and Party System Change: A Comparative Study on European Countries
沈有忠(Yu-chung Shen) ; 陳宥辰(You-chen Chen)


Party politics is an important issue to explain the constitutional work and consolidation of a democracy, and especially for newly democracies. If the party system would be affected by different types of constitutional systems and historical legacy, the party system should also be changed. We have three hypotheses: first, we suppose those countries with a directly elected president will have a higher probability for party system change. And the smaller parties are more likely out of parliament. Second, based on the coattail effect, countrie..
