
特刊稿約一 : 「海洋與永續發展」


特刊稿約二 : 「全球秩序變遷中的印度崛起與發展」



1. 印度與大國關係
2. 印度與印太地區
3. 印度與「全球南方」
4. 印度及多邊機制參與
5. 印度政治發展及變遷
6. 印度國家韌性研究
7. 印度社會發展及挑戰
8. 印度與全球產業鏈重組
9. 印度國家安全及國防戰略
10. 印度外交政策的理論研究





聯絡人 暨 「全球秩序變遷中的印度崛起與發展」專刊客座主編







Call for Papers: Wenti Yu Yanjiu Special Issues

Special Issue: The Oceans and Sustainable Development.

Call for Papers: Submission for Wenti Yu Yanjiu quarterly

The journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu (問題與研究) is a scholarly quarterly published every year in March, June, September, December. Wenti Yu Yanjiu focuses on the following areas: International Relations, International Laws, International Organizations, Diplomatic Policies, Comparative Politics, Regional Researches, International Political Economy, and other international development issues.
All manuscripts should follow the format of Wenti Yu Yanjiu with footnotes and resources. Accompanied by abstracts in Mandarin and English that should not exceed 500 words, plus 5 key words. Manuscripts should be of 10,000 – 30,000 words, and should be submitted with the name, affiliation, position, the highest educational qualification, research areas, address, and phone number of the author.
Wenti Yu Yanjiu accepted two academic article types, including research papers that focus on the original theory, and international relations forum papers that cover original scholarly commentaries for empirical research. Authors should define the article type of as they submit their manuscript. Manuscripts without such description would be categorized by the editorial board of Wenti Yu Yanjiu through our peer-review process.
Wenti Yu Yanjiu has been selected in Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI, 臺灣社會科學引文索引) as a first ranked journal (tier 1) by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Taiwan (RIHSS, 科技部人文社會科學研究中心). Wenti Yu Yanjiu welcomes original academic papers of scholars from all over the world. With the peer-review process of editorial board, all manuscripts submitted to Wenti Yu Yanjiu will go through a double-blind peer review procedure by domestic and international scholars. The editors reserve the right to make editorial revisions, but we will not make major changes without the author’s approval. For further information of our academic ethics guidelines, please refer to the Publication Ethics field.
A manuscript intended for review by Wenti Yu Yanjiu must be submitted via e-mail : wenti@nccu.edu.tw, the e-mail of the editorial board of the journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University.
Authors should preserve the copy of the manuscript; we will not return the paper that is not published. Once the paper is published, Wenti Yu Yanjiu will send two hard copies of acceptance certificate to the author.
Wenti Yu Yanjiu will not accept translated articles, papers submitted to more than one journal at one time, and papers that have already been published.
After the paper being accepted and published (in hard copy and digital form), the copyright of the paper will be transferred to Wenti Yu Yanjiu. Subscription articles are fully protected by copyright, original content from them can only be used after requiring Wenti Yu Yanjiu’s permission.