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搜尋結果 : 和"EC"有關的資料, 共有863筆
道歉後的制度性安排: 澳洲條約機制引進對我國之啟發
Is Treaty-making a Way of Decolonization?: Learning from Australia’s Treaty Debates
黃之棟(Morgan Chih-Tung Huang)


In 2016, President Ing-wen Tsai apologized to the Taiwanese indigenous peoples on behalf of the government, which is known as the National Apology. Echoing this National Apology, the Council of Indigenous Peoples reaffirmed its proposal called the “substantive negotiation process”. Before long, this innovative treaty-making provision opened a debate on whether or not such process can really fit in with Taiwan’s current constitutional and legal system. As a way to move forward, this article attempts to scruti..

論未定疆界對持續領土爭端的衝突緩和作用: 以2017中印洞朗對峙為例
The Deescalating Effect of Unsettled Borders on Enduring Territorial Disputes: An Analysis on the 2017 Doklam Standoff
陳秉逵(Ping-Kuei Chen)


States often make coercive threats by showing or threatening to use military force during territorial disputes. Disputants may be mired in intense military standoff if no parties would stand down in a dispute. The tense situation may escalate into armed conflicts. This article examines military standoff short of the use of force. It presents two variables that could alleviate military standoff. First, disputants will take measures to manage their conflict behavior when repeated conflicts yield no clear resolution to a territo..

South-South Cooperation or Exploitation? Examining Distrust to China’s Investment in the ASEAN Countries
黃韋豪(Wei-hao Huang)

當中國「對外直接投資」(Foreign Direct Investment,簡稱FDI)大幅湧入世界各國後,被投資國對於中國資金的質疑與恐懼也逐漸浮現,例如:歐洲各國擔憂中資入主後,將降低歐陸勞工的待遇;澳洲民眾與國會反對中資併購國內農場等。然而,上述恐慌卻與文獻資料分析存有歧異, 爬梳有關中國對外直接投資之於被投資國的影響等相關研究後發現,中國資金並未帶來「紅色政治」,且中資與其他國家投資的運作方式亦無明顯差異。雖然中資並未對被投資國產生預期的傷害和損失,..

While foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from China to other countries in the world, some recipients have shown their fear and question toward China’s investment. For instance, European countries are afraid of the degradation of labor and environmental standard after embracing investment from China to their industries;, while Australia’s public and media blame China’s investment on real estate for the rising housing price. However, after carefully reviewing discussions on each case in the literature, it c..

南南投資與國家安全: 南方國家對南南投資引發之國安風險 的政策回應之探討
South-South Investment & National Security: An Investigation of South Countries’ Policy Responses to the National Security Risk over the South-South Investment
邱奕宏(Yi-hung Chiou)


The South-South investment has increased dramatically in the 21st century. It has been anticipated to promote South Countries’ economic development, while related problems and challenges remain. The goal of this essay is to explore the significance of South-South investment in the context of South-South Cooperation, and the South Countries’ policy responses to national security risk over South-South investment. This article is designed to be an introductory essay, with a moderate goal of illustrating th..

新區域主義下的東南亞國協經貿整合: 以服務貿易自由化為核心
ASEAN Economic Integration in New Regionalism: The Case of Trade in Services Liberalization
張愷致(Kai-Chih Chang) 謝笠天(Pasha L. Hsieh)

世界貿易組織的成立以及自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement)的締結,促成了全球貿易的自由化以及國際產業供應鏈的重整。然而,伴隨國際貿易自由化而產生的國際財富分配不均,以及發展中國家未能因貿易自由化獲益的問題,亦導致發展中國家和已開發國家之齟齬日漸加深。開發中國家因此擔憂國際貿易的自由化不但無法幫助其實現脫貧的目標,更可能如國際政治經濟學依賴理論(dependency theory)所描述,導致發展中國家成為已開發國家經濟成長的墊腳石。 ..

The World Trade Organization and proliferating free trade agreements (FTAs) have contributed to the liberalization of global trade and the shift of the international supply chain. Nevertheless, trade liberalization has also led to the conflict between developing nations and developed nations and has increased the former’s concerns about the negative impact of trade on development. Premised on the dependency theory, developing nations contend that increasing free trade could worsen their dependency on the developed marke..
