近年來,中美兩強權在印太地區的戰略競爭愈演愈烈。特別是在基礎建設上,所謂的聯通性戰略,更是兩國在印太地區較量的指標。隨著經濟的快速發展,印太地區對數位化所需的基礎建設越顯急迫。在新冠疫情後,印太國家更加關注高質量的網路基礎設施以及一些關鍵的數據驅動技術,包括人工智慧(AI)。因應此需求,中國早在「一帶一路」(Belt and Road Initiative, BRI)的旗幟下,提倡「數位絲綢之路」(Digital Silk Road, DSR),積極推進數位基礎設施合作。美國則提出了「自..
In recent years, the strategic competition between China and the United States in the Indo-Pacific region has intensified, particularly in the realm of infrastructure development. The concept of connectivity has become a key indicator of this competition, as both countries seek to expand their influence in the region. With the rapid economic growth, the demand for digitalizationrelated infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific region has become increasingly critical. In the post pandemic period, Indo-Pacific countries are more concerned about high..
Much attention has been paid to the notion and setting of “Indo-Pacific” in recent years. It becomes a buzzword, to some extent, replacing “Asia- Pacific” as the focal point in regional stability and prosperity among stakeholders in Asia. In order to better portray contesting approaches for Indo-Pacific engagement, this study explores driving forces that shape the current power configuration in the Indo-Pacific region, unfolds the development of Indo-Pacific strategies among major powers such as Japan,..
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