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自傳體敘事、主體思想與「北韓例外論」 之論述基礎
Autobiographical Narrative, Juche Idea, and the Discourse Basis of Korea Exceptionalism
游力亮 (Li-Liang You) 季宇琦 (Yu-Qi Ji)


In terms of “exceptionalism”, some studies have focused on the imagination and construction of exceptionality by major powers such as the United States, China, and India, while ignoring the deep-rooted tradition of exceptionalism in North Korea as a hermit kingdom. With this in mind, this article uses an analytical framework for national autobiographical narratives and analyzes Korean exceptionalism with a focus on the Juche idea. The article argues that the mythological narrative-oriented myth of Dangun, the narrative manipulat..

中美數位基礎建設在印太地區的競逐: 戰略敘事觀點
US-China Competition in Digital Infrastructure Across the Indo-Pacific: A Strategic Narrative Analysis
張詠詠 (Yung-Yung Chang)

近年來,中美兩強權在印太地區的戰略競爭愈演愈烈。特別是在基礎建設上,所謂的聯通性戰略,更是兩國在印太地區較量的指標。隨著經濟的快速發展,印太地區對數位化所需的基礎建設越顯急迫。在新冠疫情後,印太國家更加關注高質量的網路基礎設施以及一些關鍵的數據驅動技術,包括人工智慧(AI)。因應此需求,中國早在「一帶一路」(Belt and Road Initiative, BRI)的旗幟下,提倡「數位絲綢之路」(Digital Silk Road, DSR),積極推進數位基礎設施合作。美國則提出了「自..

In recent years, the strategic competition between China and the United States in the Indo-Pacific region has intensified, particularly in the realm of infrastructure development. The concept of connectivity has become a key indicator of this competition, as both countries seek to expand their influence in the region. With the rapid economic growth, the demand for digitalizationrelated infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific region has become increasingly critical. In the post pandemic period, Indo-Pacific countries are more concerned about high..

選舉輸家和贏家的情感極化差異: 政治效能感的調節作用
The Differences of Affective Polarization between Electoral Losers and Winners: The Moderating Role of Political Efficacy
王靖興 (Ching-Hsing Wang)


Previous research has pointed out significant differences between electoral losers and winners in terms of democratic satisfaction and political support. However, there has been scarce examination of whether there are significant differences in affective polarization between electoral losers and winners. This study argues that in fiercely competitive elections, electoral losers lack confidence in the winners and distrust that their needs will be addressed, deepening the divide between them and the winning camp, and leading to higher levels ..

出口再集中策略對碳費政策實施的啓示: 以臺灣鳳梨事件為例
The Lessons from Export Re-concentration Strategy for Carbon Fee Policy: A Case Study of Taiwan Pineapple Incident
趙育杰 (Yu-Jie Zhao) 吳冠霆 (Kuan-Ting Wu) 大倉悠生 (Yuki Okura)


“Net-zero emissions” is a target set by United Nations to be achieved by 2050. While Taiwan aligns with international emission reduction goals, it has shown limited focus on greenhouse gas emissions related to various export strategies and the global trend of carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM) which is promoted by the international community. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions influenced by different export strategies during Taiwan’s shift towards export diversification..

「疫帶疫路」在東南亞? 再探新冠肺炎期間中國對東南亞的防疫外交
When China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) Meets the Covid-19 Pandemic in Southeast Asia? Revisiting China’s Pandemic Prevention Diplomacy towards Southeast Asia
楊昊 (Alan Hao Yang)

本研究主要探索新冠疫情對中國一帶一路的影響,並進一步分析中國 對東南亞國家的防疫外交。本文分為四個部分,第一部份是為前言,說明 研究旨趣與架構,並就與本研究旨趣相關之文獻進行回顧;第二部分聚焦 於疫情爆發之的合作實踐。然而,這兩個特徵放在與東協國家具體互動中確實也出現若 干問題;本研究除了進一步探索之,並試圖提供解釋,且於結語處提出六 項研究發現。後,論及疫情衝擊一帶一路的國際輿論與觀點。再者,本文 於第三部分延續檢視疫情期間中國對鄰近區域(東南亞國家)的防疫外交 工作是否符合中國整體外..

This study mainly explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and further analyzes China’s pandemic prevention diplomacy (PPD) towards Southeast Asian countries. This study i neighboring countries mainly responded to the long-existing strategic priority of China’s foreign policy guidelines, that is, to prioritize the neighbors as the f irst principle, while the second to implement collaboration in accordance to the differentiated relationships among partner countries. However, im..
