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搜尋結果 : 和" war"有關的資料, 共有218筆
Hegemony, Wars, and Petrodollar Mechanism: Signaling of "Conspicuous Altruism"
賽明成(Ming-Chen Shai)陳建維(Chien-Wei Chen)

本文檢視在後冷戰時代石油美元機制對美國霸權之影響,並關注美國領導地位在 1991 年波灣、2003 年伊拉克與 2011 年利比亞等戰爭中的角色。在處理國際事務中,美國霸權逐漸採行單邊行動,因而產生合法性危機之質疑。因此自 1990 年以來,美國便宣稱願意承擔昂貴之經濟成本與犧牲其國家之利益,以便與他國建立聯盟共同對抗流氓國家之威脅。美國能以維繫穩定之國際經濟秩序,與贏得反恐作戰之合法性名義發動先制戰爭。為了理解這一看似非理性之行為,根基於 Pierre B..

This paper explores the impact of petrodollar mechanism on the hegemony of the United States in the post-Cold War era. It particularly focuses on the two wars against Iraq respectively in 1991 and in 2003 and the Libyan war in 2011, all under the leadership of the U.S. The U.S. hegemony has been experiencing a legitimacy crisis caused by its increasing tendency towards unilateral actions in international affairs. In order to form alliances among Western nations to confront the rogue states, the U.S. government has demonstrate..

Contending IR Studies on the Field of "Strategic Culture"
黃恩浩(An-Hao Huang)

本文主要的目的是探討戰略文化研究在國際關係領域中的發展與理論定位之相關問題。國際關係戰略文化研究乃源自於軍事歷史學者對國家戰爭方式與作戰傳統之探討,並開始蓬勃發展於 1970 年代的冷戰時期。在社會科學國際關係研究領域中,戰略文化的研究方向是企圖在以物質為基礎的現實主義論述外,強調從文化意念與歷史途徑的角度,探討國家行為者在國際環境中的戰略行為模式根源。目前,西方關於戰略文化研究的文獻相當多,但在這豐富的文獻中迄今仍尚未產生一個共同而且被接受的戰略文化概念,..

This paper seeks to explore the development of strategic culture in the field of international relations by highlighting the problem of its theoretical orientation. The research of IR strategic culture stemmed from the research of traditional ways of war by many military-historical scholars and started to emerge since the 1970s. The main research purpose of strategic culture is trying to look at the ideational origin of state behavior in the international environment by taking the perspective of culture under the dominance of..

Sanitary Security and International Food Trade: Awareness of the Legislative Problems within the WTO in Approach to Human Security
李河清(Ho-Ching Lee)譚偉恩(Wei-En Tan)

食品貿易全球化帶來了大量的經濟利益,但開放食品進口提供國內消費者更多選擇之餘,他們健康上面臨的風險也越來越高。易言之,食品貿易在締造財富的同時,也在威脅我們每一個人的飲食衛生安全。在出口國透過食品貿易賺取經濟利潤之際,進口國公共衛生安全法規的自主性也受到挑戰。全球食品貿易機展的越快,主權國家面臨公共衛生與貿易自由化兩種法益權衡與選擇的困境就越強;一方面國家有義務保障本國人民的健康,但一方面其也必須遵守世界貿易組俄 (WTO) 架構下的食品安全規範。 有別於傳統的安全研究,本文主張..

The globalization of trade in food has brought great economic benefits Food imports have expanded consumer choices but have also resulted in higher health risk. ln other words, food trade has generated money and threatened the health of individual at the same time. While conferring tangible economic benefits on the states, the expansion of global commerce also has posed considerable challenges for their food safety regulatory structure. In light of the expansion of food trade, the sovereign state's regulatory system has been faced with ..
