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搜尋結果 : 和" climate change"有關的資料, 共有3筆
Analyses on the Paris Climate Negotiation and Agreement
楊惟任(William Yang)

2015 年底,《公約》第 21 次締約方會議(巴黎會議),經過為期兩週的談判之後,終於對全球氣候治理達成歷史性協議。《巴黎協議》被譽為是第一個真正的全球氣候協議,為 2020 年之後的全球溫室氣體減量工作提供明確規範。本文透過質性研究,就有關巴黎氣候談判的過程和巴黎協議的內容進行研究,以了解《巴黎協議》對全球氣候治理的意義和國際氣候談判的運作。本文研究發現,以自主減排取代一體適用的方式,以及歐盟、美國和中國這三大國際氣候強權的支持,是《巴黎協議》能夠順利完..

After two weeks of negotiation, the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21)finally passed a new global climate agreement. The Paris Agreement(PA)is deemed as the first true global climate deal to date, principled upon policies to reduce Greenhouse gas emission after 2020. In order to understand meanings and effects of the COP21, as well as gaming of international climate negotiations, this paper adopts a qualitative research approach to analyze the processes of the COP21, and the contents of the PA. According to this research, ..
