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搜尋結果 : 和"國家行為"有關的資料, 共有3筆
概念化逐霸國家行為: 戰國時代秦國逐霸過程的啟示
Conceptualizing Aspiring Hegemon’s Behavior: Inspirations from Qin’s Hegemony-Quest Process in the Warring States Period
陳欣之(Hsin-Chih Chen)

現有國際關係對於霸權的已有論述,大多試圖描述國際體系出現逐霸國家的原因,卻少有探索逐霸國家的行為策略,對於逐霸國家如何克服各種挑戰,組建層級霸權秩序,尚未提出具體的分析模型。本文擬填補逐霸理論空白,概念化逐霸國家行為,提出逐霸分析架構,觀察逐霸國家在逐霸過程中如何克服競逐資格,地位汰除,以及新層級秩序組建的三大挑戰。戰國時代秦國先後淘汰魏國、楚國與齊國等逐霸競爭對手的歷程,是本文的研究樣本。公元前356年秦孝公變法改革,秦國強固內部統治權威,運用內部權力成長途徑(Internal Pow..

Existing International Relations Studies’ arguments on the hegemony are mostly satisfied with describing the birth of hegemon in the international system, but rarely explored its behavior and strategies for obtaining the supreme status of hegemony. There is no specific research framework for exploring how the aspiring hegemon overcomes challenges and establishes a hierarchical hegemonic order in the international society. This paper intends to fill the theoretical gap of hegemony studies, conceptualizes aspiring hegemon’s behavi..

The Development of Voluntary Global Standards: The Perspective of Private Authority
林竣達(Jiun-Da Lin)

本文試圖深入分析私權威的概念,並評析近期學界對於自願性全球標準的研究成果。本文認為,私權威的概念能對全球治理研究提供兩項重要貢獻:首先,私權威的概念挑戰了強調國際無政府狀態的傳統觀點以及以國家為中心的研究途徑。其次,私權威的概念有助於研究者以行為者導向的途徑來解釋全球治理中的變異現象。以私權威的概念作為基礎,本文疏 理了自願性全球標準的發展情勢,並以氣候債券倡議組織作為關鍵個案,評析自願性全球標準的三個研究方向:自願性全球標準的形成、自願性全球標準在形式上的變異,以及自願性全球標準的成效..

This article examines the concept of private authority and the current studies of voluntary global standards. This article argues that the concept of private authority can contribute to the study of global governance in two ways. First, the concept of private authority challenges the traditional views of international anarchy and the state-center approach. Second, the concept of private authority provides the foundation for the actor-oriented approach to explain the variation in global governance. Based on the concept of private authority, ..

Contending IR Studies on the Field of "Strategic Culture"
黃恩浩(An-Hao Huang)

本文主要的目的是探討戰略文化研究在國際關係領域中的發展與理論定位之相關問題。國際關係戰略文化研究乃源自於軍事歷史學者對國家戰爭方式與作戰傳統之探討,並開始蓬勃發展於 1970 年代的冷戰時期。在社會科學國際關係研究領域中,戰略文化的研究方向是企圖在以物質為基礎的現實主義論述外,強調從文化意念與歷史途徑的角度,探討國家行為者在國際環境中的戰略行為模式根源。目前,西方關於戰略文化研究的文獻相當多,但在這豐富的文獻中迄今仍尚未產生一個共同而且被接受的戰略文化概念,..

This paper seeks to explore the development of strategic culture in the field of international relations by highlighting the problem of its theoretical orientation. The research of IR strategic culture stemmed from the research of traditional ways of war by many military-historical scholars and started to emerge since the 1970s. The main research purpose of strategic culture is trying to look at the ideational origin of state behavior in the international environment by taking the perspective of culture under the dominance of..
