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搜尋結果 : 和" nation"有關的資料, 共有368筆
Reflection on the Theoretical Development of the Transnational Civil Politics Research
辛翠玲(Chuei-Ling Shin)

跨國公民政治是國關學界在過去三十多年間開啟的新研究領域。數十年下來,學界已累積一定研究經驗與成果。為使本研究課題能更進一步深入發展,實有必要統整迄今之研究發現,有系統地了解與整理學界於此議題的發展軌跡,以便釐清其中的特點、突破與不足。本文主要目的有二,分析近年來跨國政治研究的發展脈絡,進而討論至今跨國公民政治研究的發現與局限。 本研究認為,跨國公民政治研究,在研究方法上歷經多次的典範轉移,開啟不同的研究視角,不同階段的研究發現也使跨國公..

The field of transnational civil politics have been a rapidly developing research focus in the international relations scholarship, and impressive amounts of research findings have been published during the last few decades. It is essential to review and examine the systemic development of research in the academia. This paper aims to tackle the task by reviewing and analyzing the research path of transnational civil politics studies, hoping that the discussion will not only provide an overall historical analysis of the resear..

Global Governance through Self Governance: Placing the Responsible Major State in the Chinese History of Political Thoughts
石之瑜(Chih-Yu Shih)邵軒磊(Hsuan-Lei Shao)


Both the political leaders and intellectuals in China want to present the image of her being a responsible country in the world. Their understandings of responsibility are not directed at an external audience, although they closely watch what the latter expects of China. In the global age, the expectation is always about China’s contribution to conflict resolutions, and alleviation and prevention of global problems, whatever it may be. The Chinese political thoughts, classic as well as modern, are so grounded in their c..

The Contamination Effect in a Mixed-Member Majoritarian System: the Influence of LDP's Dual Candidacy in the Japanese House Elections (1996-2005)
郭銘峰(Ming-Feng Kuo)黃紀(Chi Huang)王鼎銘(Ding-Ming Wang)

混合式選制融合了多數決與比例代表兩種選制的精神,不過關於此種選制兩票架構對投票的影響,有兩種截然不同的主張:一是認為兩票各自獨立運作,其影響可以獨立估算;另一派則主張兩票抉擇會相互影響,亦即具有所謂連動效果(interaction effects,或稱感染效果 contamination effects)的存在,因此必須綜合考量兩票架構的互動關係。而在日本施行的混合選制,又因允許候選人在兩種選票間重複提名,更使得其兩票間的連動關係益形複雜。 ..

The Mixed Electoral System combines the spirits of plurality and proportional representation. The way two-ballot structure influencing the voting behavior however is not settled. Of the two distinctive schools, one believed that two ballots work separately and therefore, their influences should be estimated independently. The other group advocated the existence of contamination effects (or interaction effects), and believed that it is necessary to consider the interaction between two ballots. As for the Mixed- Member Majorita..

International Law-Making Trends on Peaceful Usage of Nuclear Energy-Practice and Influence of IAEA Multilateral Nuclear Fuel Cycle Advocacy
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)

國際原子能總署(IAEA)所倡議之核燃料多邊化方案,試圖透過多邊化機制,設立 IAEA 核燃料銀行,集中全球核燃料的生產、供應與銷售,從而避免各國在製造和平使用目的核燃料的保護傘下,研發並製作核武級原料,增加核武擴散之風險。IAEA 核燃料循環多邊化倡議之發展,涉及一國能否取得民用核燃料之供應保證,擁有核濃縮與再處理權利,以及擁有再處理技術會否遭遇國際制約的問題。該等倡議一旦成形,即可能開啟核條約課予第三國義務之濫觴,並衝擊 NPT 締約國和平使用核能之權益..

The nuclear fuel multilateral program promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) attempts to use multilateral mechanisms to establish the IAEA Nuclear Fuel Bank, in order to concentrate the worldwide production, supply and sale of nuclear fuel. The purpose of the program is to prevent countries from, under the guise of producing nuclear fuel for peaceful aims, to research, develop and manufacture weapon-grade nuclear raw materials, which increases the risk of nuclear proliferation. The development of IAEA multi..

Transnational Certification Network: Development and Problems
辛翠玲(Chuei-Ling Shin)

在各種跨國公民社會的組織活動.跨國議題倡議網絡 ( transnational advocacy network, TAN )是近年來常見、且最為學界所知的組織形態。TAN乃源於民間,由民間人士基於主動的認知與共同的理念,結合各界力量所形成的跨國壓力團體。近年 TAN 作法推陳出新,且發展出有別與以往的跨國認證網絡。 跨國認詮網絡係指以標章為工具,將標章賦予道德規範的內涵,藉以推廣其理念的新型TAN。現有認證網絡者,涵蓋有機農業、公平貿易、森林保育、道德貿易等議題。本研究分析跨國..

The theory of transnational advocacy network, developed by Keck and Sikknink in 1998 has been one of the most in-depth and systematic concepts providing insights to the myths of transnational civil societies. The TAN theory depicts how the TAN, originated and led by civil groups, attracts supporters across border lines to collectively pressurize certain target government against improper policies or behaviours. The introduction of the TAN theory has been enormously influential within the transnational level of analysis in IR studies, formin..
