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搜尋結果 : 和" UN"有關的資料, 共有982筆
東南亞人權政治:條約承諾的意義 (1981∼2015)
The Motives of Ratification: Human Rights Treaties in Southeast Asia (1981-2015)
顏永銘(Yung-Ming Yen)


The last few decades witnessed positive developments in terms of human rights across Southeast Asia. It is widely believed that progresses such as the creation of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) suggested the willingness of regional countries to identify themselves with universal human rights. Nevertheless, no consensus has been reached in academia yet regarding human rights treaty commitment of regional countries. This article intends to make contribution to the knowledge of human rights treaty rat..

從「避險」到「軟制衡」: 美國的策略如何改變越南的中國政策,2014∼2019
From Hedging to Soft Balancing: How the U.S. Strategy Changes Vietnam’s China Policy, 2014-2019
阮功松(Cong-Tung Nguyen)

學界一般認為,冷戰結束後,隨著中國的快速崛起,包括越南在內的東亞小國對中國所採取的外交策略偏向「避險」或「接納」。文獻指出除了加強與中國的關係外,越南亦主動與各大國交好,並強調其要走著一個獨立、自主、多元且多方化的外交政策路線,此被視為越南對中國的「避險」策略。然而,本文認為有關越南對中國政策的分析較為單向,即大部分僅著重在越中關係本身的推拉力,而忽略了美國在其中的主動角色。 因此,無法說明越南對中政策近期的動態變化。本文的論點是,基於安全與國家利益的考量,..

The conventional wisdom assumes that East Asian countries have been adopting “hedging” or “accommodating” strategy toward China since the end of the Cold War. By putting forward an “independent, diversified and multidirectional foreign policy,” Vietnam has attempted to strengthen relations with a number of major powers, including China. As a result, Hanoi is regarded as a typical “hedger” towards Beijing. This paper, on the contrary, argues that the relating analyses on Vietnam&..

Administration Zone Merger and Cross- Boundary Governance Strategies of Local Autonomous Bodies in Japan: Using the Greater Tokyo Area as an Example
王皓平(Hao-ping Wang)趙永茂(Yung-mau Chao)

日本自約1990年代末期推動「平成大合併」,擬將約3200個市町村自治體整併為約1000個,以利區域廣域政策的推動,並減少地方自治體的行政營運費用。然而,自治體的存續為憲法所保障,尤其在民主時代,日本中央政府難以用強制的手段大規模進行市町村自治體的合併。因此,有些市町村在沒有行政區域合併的情況下,選擇用跨域治理的方式達成廣域治理的需要。 而為解決廣大區域的共同治理課題,實務上常以地方自治體間的「行政區域合併」或是跨域治理來因應大都市周邊..

Japan has promoted the Great Heisei Mergers since the late 1990’s. Under this program, the Japanese government planned to merge approximately 3200 villages, towns, and cities into roughly 1000; thereby facilitating the promotion of regional policies and reducing the administration and operation expenditures of local autonomous bodies. However, the existence of such bodies is guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan. Particularly in the current era of democracy, the central government of Japan has experienced difficulty i..

The Origins of the EU-Level FDI Screening Mechanism: Conflicts of the EU-China Industry Policies and the Challenges
葉國俊(Kuo-chun Yeh)林展暉(Chan-hui Lin)


In this paper, we argue that China’s current strategies including Made in China 2025 and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with large scale mergers and acquisitions are still consistent with the so-called “divide and rule” principle with respect to the European Union (EU) since 2005. Furthermore, there will be some leading and potential industries through the above approach, even though the problems of overcapacity and inefficiency still exist. On the basis of the bilateral trade and investment strategies, we a..
