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搜尋結果 : 和" Taiwan"有關的資料, 共有111筆
Japan's Taiwan Policy, Its Organizations, Institutions, and Processes: Examples of the Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Driver's Licenses, the Taiwan-Japan FTA, and the Visit of Former President Lee Teng-Hui in 2001
石原忠浩(Tadahiro Ishihara)

1972 年斷交後的台日雙邊關係,在歷經了艱難時代、冷戰後的現在,迎接新時代。即使台日雙邊沒有正式的外交關係,但是以經貿關係、多元的文化交流為主的民間交流支撐雙邊關係順利地發展。由於台日之間沒有正式的關係,不得不借用「交流協會」與「亞東關係協會」等非官方的機構、管道來維持雙方的互動關係。 本文的主要目的是立足於特殊的雙邊關係結構,探討參與日本對台決策的組織、制度、過程及行動者之間的互動關係,進而企圖建立日本對台政策的模型,嘗試分析、比較..

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Japan were broken in 1972 - although non-governmental exchanges have continued through the post-Cold War period - and are now entering new era. Despite the lack of formal diplomatic relations, non-governmental exchanges that focus on close economic and trade ties and a multiplicity of cultural exchanges have promoted the smooth development of bilateral relations. Due to the diplomatic break-off, substantive relations need to be conducted through non-governmental ..

The Strategic Triangle Theory and the Taiwanese Triangle Strategy
初國華(Gwo-Hua Chu)張昌吉(Chun-Chig Chang)

自 Dittmer 開啟戰略三角的國際政治理論後,三邊戰略探討便成為頗具詮釋力的理論模型。從冷戰時期的「美、蘇、中」戰略三角到近期的其它戰略三角,如「美、中、歐盟」、「美、中、印度」等等,族衍甚繁。 然而在東亞區域間的「美、中、台」戰略三角,隨著「中國崛起」的世界性影響與美國的東亞區域霸權穩定與利益,更使「美、中、台」戰略三角凸顯其重要性與區域霸權穩定或轉移的關鍵。以「美、蘇、中」戰略三角為立論基礎的 Dittmer 戰略三角論,是基於..

Since Lowell Dittmer proposed the theory of strategic triangle, the theory has become a powerful explanatory model that developed various triangles from the US-Soviet Union-China strategic triangle in the Cold War to the other more recent triangles like the US-China-EU and the US-China- India. Among various triangles, the US-China-Taiwan triangle has evolved into a relatively more critical one in terms of its impact on the regional hegemonic stability or shift in East Asia due to the rise of China that is shaking the US hegem..

Developmental State and the Transformation of the Market Governance Network: A Comparative Study between Singapore and Taiwan
李宗榮(Zong-Rong Lee)施奕任(Yi-Jen Shih)

台灣與新加坡雖然一直被學者認為是發展國家的典型案例,然而兩者在 1990 年代之後卻邁向截然不同的轉型途徑;展現在國家介入市場的特徵上也大異其趣。雖然有關兩個發展國家的現況已有許多個別研究,然而透過比較的視角以探討兩地公私部門間的網絡鑲嵌結構的差異,在目前的研究文獻中仍然鮮少。本文透過制度論的分析架構,聚焦在兩者的政府介入企業層次的治理網絡,考察其結構的形成歷史與演變軌跡,透過量化的資料比較其異同,並探討兩種不同網絡結構可能會有的政經意涵。1990 年代以後..

Although Taiwan and Singapore have been considered as two successful cases of the developmental state model, their recent transformations demonstrate distinct and divergent paths. Recent studies have documented this transition from a macro perspective of the political-economic process, yet scholars have been relatively inattentive to the market governance network from a meso-organizational perspective. We believe that it will help us better understand the transforming nature of two developmental states by looking at the netwo..
