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搜尋結果 : 和" maritime delimitation"有關的資料, 共有2筆
Retrospect and Prospect on the Disputes of the East China Sea Oil and Gas Fields
呂建良(Chien-Liang Lu)

1960 年代末期,海洋地質專家即已預測東海大陸礁層蘊藏著豐富的油氣資源,並且造成了周圍國家的震撼,臺灣、中國與日本競相投入海域的探勘活動。但是,後來為了避免國際紛爭,各方遂停止在東海探採石油。然而,隨著海底資源開發技術的發展、國際原油價格節節攀升,以及聯合國海洋法公約的生效,中、日雙方圍繞在東海油氣田的爭端再度爆發出來。由於中國開始在日本主張的「中間線」附近開採石油,造成日本的強烈反應,雙方衝突不斷升級,值得臺灣密切關注。深究中、日在東海發生爭端的根本原因..

In the late 1960s, marine geologists had predicted that the continental shelf in the East China Sea is rich in oil and gas. This finding shocked the surrounding regions of Taiwan, Japan, and China, leading to a fever of oil exploration. These countries then stopped the exploration to prevent further international disputes. However, as new seabed resources exploring technology is developed, rising price of crude oil, and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the conflict of the East China Sea oil and g..

Sino-Japan Fisheries Agreement and the Solution to Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Disputes
呂建良(Chien-Liang Lu)

1996 年 6 月,日本批准聯合國海洋法公約,同年 7 月公布專屬經濟海域與大陸礁層法。由於日本許多小島鄰近臺灣,兩國經濟海域嚴重重疊,漁權糾紛隨即產生。另一方面,日本與中國在東海也出現了專屬經濟海域重疊的問題。為了規範所屬國民所從事之漁撈活動,中、日於 1996 年 4 月展開有關海洋法及漁業之談判,並在島嶼主權爭議未解決、專屬經濟海域劃界未完成的情況下,簽訂了漁業協定。本文的研究目的即在探討中日漁業協定的談判經過與協定內容,希望藉此了解日本在海域劃界與..

In June of 1996, Japan sanctioned the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and later announced the law on the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf. Many islands belonging to Japan are in proximity to Taiwan; the exclusive economic zone of two countries overlapped seriously, and the fisheries disputes are frequent. In addition, Japan and China also have the same problem in the East China Sea. In order to manage fishing activities, China and Japan have engaged in negotiations on the law of the sea and f..
