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搜尋結果 : 和"China"有關的資料, 共有200筆
Do We Still Need International Relations Theory to Study Chinese Foreign Policy?


In recent years, international relations theory has faced a potential crisis of obsolescence. The development of the three major paradigms—realism, liberalism, and constructivism—has stagnated, and the gap between theory and policy implications has widened. Empirical research guided by middle-range theories are replacing traditional international relations theory that emphasize generalization and systematic frameworks. Although international relations theory remains important, neither realism, liberalism, nor constructivism have..

Non-War Offense and Defense: On Preventive Measures Taken by the United States Towards China


In the international arena where powerful nations coexist, and the possibility of war exists, there are differing opinions on who triggers wars. Power transition theory suggests that a rising power will initiate war against a dominant power out of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Other argue that the declining state is motivated by preventive motivation to take action against rising adversary. However, both the power transition theory and the preventive motivation argument primarily focus on the initiation of war. This perspective refle..

Analyzing Hegemon’s Strategies for Tackling with Rising Power-Theoretical Implications from Observing the Power Competition between the U.S. and China on Critical Technologies
陳欣之 (Hsin-chih Chen)


The specific strategies employed by a hegemon in dealing with rising powers are a crucial aspect of understanding the power competition between the United States and China. International relations paradigms have been influenced by the notion of the inevitable decline of hegemonic power, often disregarding the fact that a hegemon is a product of international-level efforts in science and technological innovation. This article aims to delineate the significance of technological innovation in maintaining global dominance for a hegemon with the..

International Structure of the Post US-China Trade War: Political Bipolarization Leads to Bipolarization in International Trade?
林偉修 (Wei-hsiu Lin)


The U.S.-China trade war indicates a confrontation between the U.S. and China, and the pandemic problem since 2019 deteriorates the confrontation. However, will political polarization due to the new cold war between the U.S. and China lead to economic polarization? Do countries in the whole world choose their own sides between the U.S. and China, establishing two blocs and competing? Or countries in the whole world behave inconsistently in terms of verbal promises and practical actions. National interest is still their benchmark to have sub..

中國的多邊外交: 台灣學術社群研究之比較分析
China’s Multilateral Diplomacy: Researches of the Taiwanese academic society in comparative aspects
冷則剛(Tse-Kang Leng)賴潤瑤(Christina Lai)


The purposes of this study are to understand the approaches adopted by the Taiwanese scholars to research on China’s multilateral diplomacy, major characteristics of research results, and the linkages with the international academic society. The scope of analysis is limited to research publications after 2012. This paper first explores major theoretical concepts adopted by international and mainland Chinese academics on China’s multilateral diplomacy, followed by the analysis of research outputs on policy implementation and prac..
