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搜尋結果 : 和" nation"有關的資料, 共有365筆
An Analysis of Systemic Theorization of International System in International Relations Theory and Its Epistemological Speculation: The Reflection of Non-Equilibrium Systems Theory
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

從 1950、60 年代受到政治學「行為主義革命」的影響,國際關係理論 開始嘗試建立科學的研究,「科學派」遂以「體系論」(system theory)進行 國際關係的理論化,國際關係的理論化也就成為國際體系的理論化。歷經 1960 年代只有少數國際關係學者關注國際體系理論的「相當低度發展的階 段」,1970 年代起逐漸有較多不同的學者都嘗試藉由其他學科(例如社會 學、生物學、控制學)學者的體系理論提出不同的「國際體系」理論化途 徑,1980 年代由新現實主義..

Following the behavioralism revolution of political science in the 1950– 60s, attempts for international relations(IR)theory to become scientific began with the theorization of IR through systems theory that engendered the theorization of international systems. Through an underdeveloped stage involved with only a few scholars in the 1960s, a contending stage with various approaches proposed in the 1970s, a dominated stage of neorealism in the 1980s, and to an opposite stage of constructivism and international historical..

Analyses on the Paris Climate Negotiation and Agreement
楊惟任(William Yang)

2015 年底,《公約》第 21 次締約方會議(巴黎會議),經過為期兩週的談判之後,終於對全球氣候治理達成歷史性協議。《巴黎協議》被譽為是第一個真正的全球氣候協議,為 2020 年之後的全球溫室氣體減量工作提供明確規範。本文透過質性研究,就有關巴黎氣候談判的過程和巴黎協議的內容進行研究,以了解《巴黎協議》對全球氣候治理的意義和國際氣候談判的運作。本文研究發現,以自主減排取代一體適用的方式,以及歐盟、美國和中國這三大國際氣候強權的支持,是《巴黎協議》能夠順利完..

After two weeks of negotiation, the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21)finally passed a new global climate agreement. The Paris Agreement(PA)is deemed as the first true global climate deal to date, principled upon policies to reduce Greenhouse gas emission after 2020. In order to understand meanings and effects of the COP21, as well as gaming of international climate negotiations, this paper adopts a qualitative research approach to analyze the processes of the COP21, and the contents of the PA. According to this research, ..

Theoretical Bases for European Security Studies: Regional Security, International Relations, and Global System
甘逸驊(Francis Yi-Hua Kan)


The dynamic development of European security in both theoretical debate and policy practice has made its research a momentous model in the field of security studies. This article aims at exploring various theoretical structures of European security by systematically examining both rationalism and non-rationalism in regional security, international relations theories, and global systems. Core issues of focus are allocated at three levels. The article applies a theoretical basis to the volatile evolution of European security du..

Shifts of Japan's Defense Policymaking: The Emerging Division of Labor between Political and Bureaucratic Elites
郭育仁(Yu-Jen Kuo)

日本「防衛計畫大綱」的制定模式隨內外環境變化,政治菁英與官僚的政策功能不斷改變,而政官之間互動也成為影響防衛政策內容的主因。過去四期的制定模式變化從冷戰期間高度左右意識形態對立下政治菁英消極參與及官僚有限主導、冷戰後政黨脆弱共識下政治菁英有限參與及官僚有限主導、到 911 事件後內閣強力主導下官僚被動配合、與民主黨執政下的多元政治參與及官僚擔任專業幕僚,逐漸形成政官分工架構。其中,內閣與執政黨負責提供政治領導、政策方向、與政黨間共識形成;防衛官僚認知國際局勢..

The making of Japan’s National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG)has been shifting from a limited bureaucratic-centric model under domestic ideological confrontation and political elites’ limited participation during and after the Cold War to the division of labor between political and bureaucratic elites during Koizumi’s “Kantei Diplomacy” and the Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)era. The Cabinet and ruling party provide political leadership, policy direction, and consensus formation in the ruling c..
