Party politics is an important issue to explain the constitutional work and consolidation of a democracy, and especially for newly democracies. If the party system would be affected by different types of constitutional systems and historical legacy, the party system should also be changed. We have three hypotheses: first, we suppose those countries with a directly elected president will have a higher probability for party system change. And the smaller parties are more likely out of parliament. Second, based on the coattail effect, countrie..
本文試圖深入分析私權威的概念,並評析近期學界對於自願性全球標準的研究成果。本文認為,私權威的概念能對全球治理研究提供兩項重要貢獻:首先,私權威的概念挑戰了強調國際無政府狀態的傳統觀點以及以國家為中心的研究途徑。其次,私權威的概念有助於研究者以行為者導向的途徑來解釋全球治理中的變異現象。以私權威的概念作為基礎,本文疏 理了自願性全球標準的發展情勢,並以氣候債券倡議組織作為關鍵個案,評析自願性全球標準的三個研究方向:自願性全球標準的形成、自願性全球標準在形式上的變異,以及自願性全球標準的成效..
This article examines the concept of private authority and the current studies of voluntary global standards. This article argues that the concept of private authority can contribute to the study of global governance in two ways. First, the concept of private authority challenges the traditional views of international anarchy and the state-center approach. Second, the concept of private authority provides the foundation for the actor-oriented approach to explain the variation in global governance. Based on the concept of private authority, ..
自1990年代後,對外援助自傳統經濟援助逐漸轉變為建立國際合作發展之夥伴關係,惟在國際關係領域中尚未形成國際合作之完整理論體系。本研究以實證方式將我國援外計畫之成果與國際關係理論與實務進行對話與論證。 本研究透過自編結構式問卷與糧食不安全題組(Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, HFIAS)進行橫斷式調查,並採用準實驗設計(Quasi- Experimental Design)方法,分析我國援外計畫介入之成效。本研..
Since the 1990s, foreign aid has gradually transformed from traditional economic aid to the concept of international cooperation and development. However, a complete theoretical system of international cooperation has not yet been formed in the field of international relations. This study is based on scientific positivist perspectives to connect the theory and practice of international cooperation. The results show that irrigation conditions is the major factor for the yield per unit area of rice cultivation. Similarly, the r..
在聯合國教育科學文化組織《保護水下文化遺產公約》(Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, CPUCH)之架構下,所謂 「保護」,意指現地保存(in situ),以及無法現地保存時之陸上保存。通說認為,現地保存意味著將水下文化遺產留置在海底,避免商業開發或其他非必要之干擾;此即以保護為旨趣之首要考量,僅於遭遇萬不得已之情況下,且經正當程序,認定確有打撈水下文化遺產之必要,方得捨棄現地保存選項,退而尋..
Within the framework of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (CPUCH), the first option for the protection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) is ‘in situ preservation,” which means UCH ought to be left on the sea floor. Shipwreck recovery activities are necessary if and only if the competent authorities require them to happen. While multiple policy instruments are used to achieve the in situ preservation, economic instruments are rarely applied. This paper starts with a short ..
近年來,金融科技的興起帶來創新的金融服務並衝擊現有的監理方式。有些國家採取觀望的策略;有些國家則採取修改法律、推出新的執照制度甚或實驗型的監理模式。自2015年英國提出金融監理沙盒(Regulatory Sandbox)制度以來,許多國家陸續跟進,以監理沙盒實驗作為探索風險、重思監理疆界,並協助金融創新落地發展的措施。監理沙盒堪稱近年來擴散速度最快、影響最為深遠的一種新興金融監理制度。本文探究導致各國相繼採行金融監理沙盒制度的原因,並找出該制度在各國擴散的主要影響因子。藉由量化分析,本研..
In recent years, the rise of Fintech has introduced innovative financial services and has brought a significant impact on the existing financial regulatory frameworks. Financial regulators in different countries deal with the challenges in different ways: some adopt a “wait and see” strategy, in which they do not enact new regulatory institutions. Some countries take a more active approach through revision of laws, issuing new licenses, and adopting an experimental regulatory mechanism. Since the United Kingdom announced the fin..
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