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搜尋結果 : 和"戰略"有關的資料, 共有135筆
The Development of Military Innovation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
陳文政(York W. Chen)

軍事創新自 1980 年代中葉起成為戰略研究的重要研究議題之一,從創新一詞的提出,與對擴散、邏輯漸進主義以及突現性變革途徑等相關概念的轉化、應用與深入研究,均呈現出跨科際研究的多元風貌。在各種背景不同、功能互異的學科交相衝擊下,使得軍事創新的相關論述不斷推陳出新。加上後冷戰時期,各主要國家軍隊為因應威脅形態的轉變,無不積極從事軍事轉型的工作,這些因素使得創新與轉型不僅成為戰略研究中的學理論戰焦點,更具有鮮明的實務重要性。誠如 Andrew Pettigrew 所言:對於創新的研究不當限於..

Military innovation became one of the major research agendas within the field of strategic studies since the mid-1980s. The military innovation studies, at the onset, presented the landscape of interdisciplinary diversity From the introduction of the term "innovation" to the translation, application, and investigation of related concepts such as diffusion, logical incrementalism, or emergent approach, the knowledge of military innovation, which was deeply affected by the contributions of various disciplines whose academic backgrou..

The Strategic Triangle Theory and the Taiwanese Triangle Strategy
初國華(Gwo-Hua Chu)張昌吉(Chun-Chig Chang)

自 Dittmer 開啟戰略三角的國際政治理論後,三邊戰略探討便成為頗具詮釋力的理論模型。從冷戰時期的「美、蘇、中」戰略三角到近期的其它戰略三角,如「美、中、歐盟」、「美、中、印度」等等,族衍甚繁。 然而在東亞區域間的「美、中、台」戰略三角,隨著「中國崛起」的世界性影響與美國的東亞區域霸權穩定與利益,更使「美、中、台」戰略三角凸顯其重要性與區域霸權穩定或轉移的關鍵。以「美、蘇、中」戰略三角為立論基礎的 Dittmer 戰略三角論,是基於..

Since Lowell Dittmer proposed the theory of strategic triangle, the theory has become a powerful explanatory model that developed various triangles from the US-Soviet Union-China strategic triangle in the Cold War to the other more recent triangles like the US-China-EU and the US-China- India. Among various triangles, the US-China-Taiwan triangle has evolved into a relatively more critical one in terms of its impact on the regional hegemonic stability or shift in East Asia due to the rise of China that is shaking the US hegem..

The Past and Future of the Critical Geopolitics and Its Implication on Taiwan's Geopolitical Imagination
莫大華(Ta-Hua Mo)

受到 1980 年代起國際關係理論第三次大辯論的影響,政治地授學者與國際關係學者也將後設理論的爭論帶進地緣政治研究,後現代地緣政治或批判性地緣政治是運用後結構主義、後現代主義與批判理論作為其論述的哲學基礎。批判性地緣政治是質疑傳統地緣政治的本體論與知識論的前提假定,解構傳統地緣政治對世界政治的觀察,以及挑戰其以國家為中心的政治實踐。也就是解構傳統地緣政治的霸權論述,以及質疑在主要強國的地緣政治實踐所發現的權力關係。批判性地緣政治研究影響了地緣政治研究的方向與內涵,擴展了其研究議題,但要改..

Due to the influence of the third Great Debate on International Relations Theory in the 1980s, scholars in Geopolitics and International Relations have brought the debates of metatheory into geopolitical research. They have used Post structuralism, Postmodernism, and Critical Theory philosophical foundations to question traditional geopolitics about its ontological and epistemological assumptions, to destructure its perspectives on world politics, and to challenge its state-centered political practices. Therefore, they have been called the ..

A Study of the Legislation and Impacts of the U.S. Quadrennial Defense Review
陳勁甫(Ching-Pu Chen)邱榮守(Jung-Shou Chiou)

美國為因應後冷戰時期國際安全環境與威脅的改變,至 1996 年止已執行多次全面性的兵力結構檢討。然而,國會認為國防部僅考量維持現有規模與預算,而非依外在安全環境與威脅的改變來調整所需兵力結構。因此,國會為因應二十一世紀的威脅及確保美國國家安全利益,通過「1996 年軍力結構總檢法案」,要求國防部配合總統任期執行「四年期國防總檢」及將評估重點予以法制化。鑑於國內學術界對美國「四年期國防總檢」的論述均以報告內容為重點,故本文將從理性決策與戰略規劃面向,來評析美國..

In response to the changes of international security environment and threat in the post-Cold War era, the United States had conducted various comprehensive assessment of its force structure in 1990-1996 periods. However, the Congress pointed out the Department of Defense intended to realign the force structure just from the view of keeping forces size and defense budget and not from the changes of security environment and threat. In order to meet the threats and protect the U.S. national security interests in the twenty-first..

The Military Dimension of the European Security and Defence Policy: The Global Role of the European Union
甘逸驊(Francis Kan)

歐洲統合的進程在經濟、文化與推動西方普世價值方面已使得歐洲聯盟成為一個全球「公民強權」的角色,但是是否藉此轉化成為一個「軍事強權」,仍然是歐盟各會員國爭論的焦點。從馬斯垂克條約將「共同外交與安全政策」納入歐盟決策的三大支柱之一後,歐盟在外交與安全政策的合作才開始具備法律的基礎。但是一九九0年代發生於歐洲本身的區域衝突,凸顯歐盟在解決歐洲本身軍事爭端時的無力感。在一九九0年代末期發展出的「歐洲安全與防衛政策」即著眼於歐盟自主軍事力量的整合與強化,以期因應未來可能發生的區域與國際衝突。 ..

The process of the European integration in economic, cultural and universalising Western values in the past half century has reinforced EU's role as a global “civilian power”. The 1992 Maastricht Treaty founded a “Common Foreign and Security Policy ”, as one of the three pillars of EU, providing c0operation of foreign and security policies among member states with a legal basis. Nevertheless, regional conflicts in Europe of hte 90s only demonstrated that EU was not yet capable of solving military conflicts in its..
