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搜尋結果 : 和" King"有關的資料, 共有65筆
The Party Alternation Thinking in Japan: The Roles of DPJ
李世暉(Shih-Hui Li)郭國興(Kuo-Hsing Kuo)

政黨輪替是當代民主政治發展的重要條件。日本的民主政治雖然在戰後新憲法公布後即開始進行,但自 1955 年起便形成自民黨一黨獨大的政治體制。這是因為,日本戰後的政黨輪替思維,受限於國內政治、經濟、社會與政黨條件等國內外環境的影響,使其無法在民主政治發展過程中具體展現。冷戰結束後政經情勢的轉變,讓日本的政黨輪替思維獲得解放,也促成了日本民主黨的成立與發展。本文主旨是藉由民主理論與近代日本政治發展觀點,思考政黨輪替思維在日本的演變歷程,並以日本民主黨的成立背景、組..

Party alternation is an important condition for the development of modern democracy. Although the Japanese democracy after World War II proceeded from the enforcement of the new constitution, LDP dominated the Japanese politics since 1955. The party alternation thinking in Japan was limited by the situations of domestic and international environment such as politics, economics, society and parties. The end of the Cold War liberated the party alternation thinking in Japan, and led to the formation and development of DPJ. This ..

Multiconflict Analysis of India-Pakistan, Sinhala-Tamil, and Rethinking Analytic Methods
張育銓(Yu-Chuan Chang)


Of colonial topics, a lot of scholars indicate that colonizers exploited the opposition in different races and enforced the tactics of Divide-and-Rule for the colonial purposes. Another school of scholars, based on the Dual Mandate approach, indicates that colonizers not just destroy but construct the colony as well. The article considers two approaches that led to the dilemma of colonial discourses especially on dichotomy - Divide-and-Rule, which leads to either colonizers controlling the characteristic of conflicts between ..

Path Dependence or Collective Institutional Choice? Modeling Constitutional Changes in the Context of Democratic Transitions
葉俊榮(Jiunn-Rong Yeh)張文貞(Wen-Chen Chang)

1980 年代中期以來,包括台灣在內的部分亞洲、中東歐、中南美等國家紛紛進行民主轉型,並帶動新一波的憲法變遷。不過,在民主轉型的脈絡中,憲法究竟扮演何種角色,則一直未受到充分學術探討。本文旨在深究民主轉型與憲法變遷間的互動關係。 在研究方法上,本文歸納分析民主轉型國家的憲法變遷,提出四種主要的模式:轉型初期一次制憲、轉型初期一次大幅修憲、階段式制憲、多次漸進修憲。其次則從主權因素、政權更迭、憲政傳統以及國際干預的四個面向,探討民主轉型國..

Many countries in East and Central Europe, Central and South America, and Asia, including Taiwan, undertook democratic transitions amidst the 1980s, which triggered a new wave of constitutional change. The role of constitutional change in the context of democratic transitions, however, has not been explored and discussed fully by scholars in the field. This article aims at addressing this issue and focuses on the interactions between democratic transitions and constitutional change. In order to analyze constitution..
