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搜尋結果 : 和"政治學"有關的資料, 共有11筆
Regime Type and Energy Price Subsidy
吳親恩 (中央研究院政治學研究所副研究員)


This paper examines the relationship between regime type and energy subsidies, including pre-tax and tax subsidies, and discusses how these relationships are mediated by the degree of inflation. The paper suggests that the logic of political survival and the costs of energy subsidies are two of the main factors shaping energy subsidy policies. Pre-tax subsidies require the government to budget for part of the cost, which is not easy for the government to avoid. Since authoritarian regimes prioritize social stability, they spend more on pre-..

The Effect of Regime Types on the COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention Effectiveness
李欣樺 (國立臺灣大學政治學研究所博士生)


The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out at the end of 2019 has once again drawn the attention of political scientists to the correlation between regime types and public health governance. However, the current scholarly discourse lacks consensus on the influence of political regime factors and the comparative advantages or disadvantages among different regime types. Therefore, this paper attempts to re-examine this debate through a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. In this study, a comprehensive analysis was conducted for the year 20..

Is Autocracy More Efficient in Defending the Pandemic than Democracy? The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic
葉耀元 (美國聖湯瑪斯大學國際研究講座教授 當代語言學系系主任及政治學系系主任)


 Most countries have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. The numbers of confirmed cases and casualties and the overloading medical systems are all visible issues and problems each country is dealing with on a daily basis. Many observers and experts argue that authoritarian countries seem to be more capable of defending the COVID-19 pandemic because they can ignore human rights and intervene aggressively into the society to implement anti-pandemic policy, which allows quicker response to the COVID-19 pandemic and better cont..

Genealogy of the China Studies Agenda-In the Case of Journal Publications of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR)
邵軒磊(Hsuan-Lei Shao)

近年臺灣學界常有對「中國研究」方法與議程的改進呼聲,本文試圖介紹日本國關學界的中國研究,提供本土中國研究及發展之參考點。本文主要 討論「中國研究」在學科定位與學科史上,以什麼樣的方式演變?而在日本國際關係的主要社群中,「中國研究議程」呈現什麼樣的特色?本文以「日本國際政治學會」所編輯刊物國際政治為核心,對其中的中國研究相關論文加以分析並歸類。時間範圍是 1957-2008 年,討論二戰結束後,日本國際政治學界對於中國的研究方法、研究觀點、主要研究成果之系譜。..

Currently, there has been an increasing voice to reconsider the methodology and agenda of “China studies” within the Taiwanese academic community. With this respect, this paper introduces the China studies achieved by the Japanese academic community to support the developmental basis of China studies in Taiwan. Two questions lead the argument in this paper:(1)what is the transformation of the contemporary China studies in the Japanese international relations(IR)community? and(2)what characteristics are presented f..
