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搜尋結果 : 和" perspective"有關的資料, 共有42筆
Hero or Hooligan? A Perspective of Structural Financial Power on Fed's Unconventional Monetary Policy
賽明成(Ming-Chen Shai)

2007-08 年爆發全球金融危機後,美聯準會(Fed)實施三輪的量化寬鬆貨幣(QE)政策以支持金融穩定與刺激經濟成長。Fed 的 QE 政策導致美元貶值,這意味持有過半美國債券作為儲備貨幣之外國官方機構(Foreign Official Institutions, FOIs),其國債部位將產生巨大之資本損失。強調新自由主義世界秩序重要性之國際政治經濟學文獻,在論述金融全球化時指出, Fed 的銀行紓困計畫對其他經濟體形成非意圖性之資本流動的外溢效果。藉由 ..

In the wake of the global financial crisis that struck the world in 2007- 08, the U.S. Federal Reserve(the Fed)has undertaken three rounds of quantitative easing(QE)in an effort to sustain financial stability and stimulate economic growth. However, the Fed’s QE policy inevitably resulted in dollar depreciation, which means a huge capital loss for foreign official institutions ( FOIs ) since FOIs hold more than half of the outstanding stock of U.S. Treasury securities as official reserve holdings. Existing International ..

Toppling China? Perspectives of the AIIB Bonds and Belt-Road Fund
賽明成(Ming-Cheng Shai)

北京倡議的「亞洲基礎設施投資銀行」(簡稱:亞投行),在華府眼中,卻認為會挑戰到當今美國主導的全球經濟秩序。事實上,資本額度僅 1000 億美元的亞投行,無法撼動美國在全球金融政治中的主導地位。美國對亞投行戒慎恐懼,真是美元的地位受到威脅?亞投行的設立是否真能實踐人民幣國際化的目標?本文主張,中國應支持亞投行以美元發行(而非人民幣計價) 的「亞投行債券」,並同時設立「帶路基金」發行人民幣計價的「帶路基金債券」。如此,中國才得逐步降低對美國國債的過度依賴,掌握到..

Beijing launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)in order to offer financial resources for more investments to Asian countries in need. To some extent, the US$ 100 billion AIIB is not supposed to impose any serious threat to U.S. dominance in global finance. Why does the U.S. fear the China-led AIIB? Would the establishment of AIIB speed up decline of the dollar as an international currency? Is the AIIB likely to contribute to further internationalization of the renminbi(RMB)? This paper contends that China shou..

Russia's Natural Gas Energy Strategies on Europe: From the Perspective of International Political Economy
吳雪鳳(Sheue-Feng Wu)曾怡仁(Yi-Ren Dzeng)

俄羅斯擁有世界最多的天然氣、第二大煤礦及第八大原油蘊藏量,這些豐富的天然資源使俄羅斯具備實施能源外交的優越地緣政治經濟條件。從二十一世紀開始,俄羅斯已經逐漸改變前蘇聯政府時期依靠軍事與政治力量來確保其國際地位的策略,轉而利用天然資源,特別是豐富的天然氣,作為經濟發展與對外關係的重要手段。而普欽政府將天然氣的營運與巨大獲益全都收歸國家管理及控制,是其得以將此一能源權力發展為對歐洲外交戰略與恢復過去大國地位的基礎。本文擬以蘇珊‧史翠菊(Susan Strange..

Russia holds the world's largest natural gas reserves, the second-largest coal reserves, and the eighth-largest crude oil reserves. These plentiful natural resources allow Russia to obtain excellent geopolitical and geoeconomic conditions to carry out its foreign energy strategies. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Russia has transformed from former USSR’s foreign policy which depended on military and political powers for ensuring its international position into the current policy of utilizing natural resourc..

The Cuban Missile Crisis:A Diplomatic Signaling Perspective
賽明成(Ming-Chen Shai)

被視為冷戰時期中最危險的古巴飛彈危機事件,持續吸引學者的研究興趣長達近半個世紀。特別是Kennedy白宮錄音帶此新證據之解密,對研究者而言呈現出重要的洞見暨困惑。儘管如此,鮮少研究透過外交信息傳遞之面向來探究此一歷史事件。信息傳遞此一針對國際危機解決之途徑認為,當面對國際衝突時,國家會傳達其對手具外交標的之「語言」與 「非語言」信息。就某種意義而論,決策者釋出之每一個信息與反信息,均意謂其自身策略性之意圖與關乎對手信息之反應。本文透過國際情境、菁英決策,以及外交信息傳遞等三個面向,針對古..

The Cuban Missile Crisis, one of the most dangerous events of the Cold War, has continued to attract academic attention for almost half a century, especially with the release of new evidence in the Kennedy tapes that presents researchers with insights as well as puzzles. Nevertheless, few, if any, studies have explored this historic event from a diplomatic signaling perspective. The signaling approach to international crisis resolution posits that in the face of international conflicts, a state disseminates verbal and/or nonverbal signals, ..

The Development of Military Innovation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
陳文政(York W. Chen)

軍事創新自 1980 年代中葉起成為戰略研究的重要研究議題之一,從創新一詞的提出,與對擴散、邏輯漸進主義以及突現性變革途徑等相關概念的轉化、應用與深入研究,均呈現出跨科際研究的多元風貌。在各種背景不同、功能互異的學科交相衝擊下,使得軍事創新的相關論述不斷推陳出新。加上後冷戰時期,各主要國家軍隊為因應威脅形態的轉變,無不積極從事軍事轉型的工作,這些因素使得創新與轉型不僅成為戰略研究中的學理論戰焦點,更具有鮮明的實務重要性。誠如 Andrew Pettigrew 所言:對於創新的研究不當限於..

Military innovation became one of the major research agendas within the field of strategic studies since the mid-1980s. The military innovation studies, at the onset, presented the landscape of interdisciplinary diversity From the introduction of the term "innovation" to the translation, application, and investigation of related concepts such as diffusion, logical incrementalism, or emergent approach, the knowledge of military innovation, which was deeply affected by the contributions of various disciplines whose academic backgrou..
