長久以來,質性研究遭受過於主觀與不夠嚴謹的批評。紮根理論因應這樣的氛圍而生,紮根理論之研究途徑企圖藉由發展系統性的分析模式以理解「過程」、「情境」及「行動」等概念,並對上述批判作出反駁。然而,因為 Strauss 與 Corbin 兩位原作者在論述上的衝突,開啟了一連串對於概念性與方法論上的爭辯與困惑。因此,本文企圖重新審視紮根理論的不同途徑以便釐清其認識論上的矛盾。同時,本文建議以不同「情境」作為驅動個人行動的主要論述,以便對「譯碼典範」作出修正。最後,我..
Qualitative research has been criticized for the lack of objectivity and scientific rigor. In response to such criticism, grounded theory emerged as a philosophical and analytical approach to studying the process, action, and context of social phenomena. Nevertheless, the controversy between Strauss and Corbin, the founders of grounded theory, has provoked never-ending academic debates. Confusions are inevitably derived respectively from both theoretical foundations and methodological applications. This research is to clarify..
中國大陸自文革起歷經改革開放、中越戰爭、重要歷史決議案等重大轉變;同時日本的中國研究界內部也正進行世代交替的變化過程;加上兩岸公開史料,日中間學術交流、研究者相互長期在地研究等客觀情勢變化。日本中國研究因此開啟了約十年的轉型期,這個期間轉型並不朝向單一方向,而 是開始了各種多元的復甦。首先是在史觀上,在社會主義中國完全視為完全斷裂的「革命史觀」,轉變為強調連續性的「民國史觀」;第二是主體性與價值觀面向,擺脫完全依賴中共定義,建立日本「再評價」風潮;最後是方法..
Since the Cultural Revolution, Mainland China has experienced great transitions such as the Reform and the Open Period, the Sino-Vietnam War, and several historical political resolutions. Japan’s China Studies have also experienced several generational changes. Historical documents between Taiwan and China have been published. Scholarly exchanges between China and Japan have also increased, including the possibility of visiting scholars from one to the other. All these have contributed to the transition of Japan’s..
討論國際經貿規範的法制化過程,無法規避國際法與國家間的權力運作問題,更不能忽視國際社會不存在最高權威之國際無政府狀態的事實。國際社會存在國家資源暨地位的不對稱差異,使強權得以操縱國際經貿議程,建構符合強權利益的國際經貿規範。形式上,國際經貿規範的法制化,係參與者基於對等地位,透過雙邊暨多邊談判後所建構而成的法律,但其實質內容,仍反映強權國家在不對等的基礎上,操縱談判議程,鑲嵌強權利益,扭曲平等正義,強化本國優勢,限制對手經貿發展機會之事實。 ..
It is hard to neglect neither the fact of power competition nor the anarchic character of the international society as scholar researches the context and the practice of international law. The asymmetric distribution of international resources enhances the possibility for powerful states to manipulate the agenda of International Economic law legalization processes, which are therefore constructed in according with the interests of the international Powers. Formally, international economic laws are instituted through bilateral..
2004年10月,第五屆亞歐會議在越南河內舉行,本屆亞歐會議可以視為歐洲與亞洲兩大區域的結合。亞歐會議雖然確立了「政治對話、經濟合作和文化交流」三大領域的合作關係,但是到目前卻仍然停留在相互對話及磨合的階段,連最初步的雙方共組自由貿易區都無法達成共識; 另外,不論從經濟面向或是政治面向來檢視,亞太地區仍然是東亞國家主要貿易往來的主體,同時亞太地區已經存在著亞太經合會的對話管道,甚至東亞地區的東協加三也正在逐漸成形,成為東北亞與東南亞的主要交流管道,因此,在沒有共同經濟利益的基礎之下,亞歐..
The 5th ASEM took place on October 2004 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Although ASEM is an informal forum, it was one of the most important cross-continental regime. Though the forum establishes the structure of “political dialogue, economical cooperation, and culture interflow”, the process still lodges on dialogues of two sides, even in the free trade area that was co-established, consensus is rare. In addition, from both political and economical aspect, the Asian-pacific region still is the mainframe of East Asian trades; the A..
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