在戰後日本民主憲政史上,2005 年舉辦的第 44 屆日本眾院議員選舉深受各界重視,特別是因為該屆選舉,是日本政治史上首度因重大政策遭國會否決,內閣首相逕予交付民意定奪的一項公民複決選舉。當時自民黨的執政內閣能否在改選中贏取民心,亦或由民主黨等在野黨派來更迭政權,不僅攸關小泉純一郎首相政治生命與改革路線的延續,更牽動日本未來政經局勢的發展走向,其重要性確實不容小覷。 有別於過往研究囿限於宏觀層次或質化的研究途徑,本文嘗試根據日本選舉研究..
The 44th Japanese House election in 2005 has played a significant role in its post-war democratic history and also drove a lot of attention in the academics. The importance of this election, regarded as the national referendum for the postal reform, relies on the fact that it is the first time the House is dismissed because of unsolved policy gridlock. The consequence of the election not only results in the destine of LDP coalition government and the political career of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, but also the developme..
行政改革是當前民主國家發展的趨勢,在追求績效、提升統治能力之際,行政改革有其必要性。日本以行政改革手段提升政治家的政策能力,特別是強化政治領導者首相的領導權作法,與 1980 年代以來進行政改革的國家相較,最為特殊且引人入勝。 對於日本行政改革的既有研究大致將焦點置於以下三點:一為從新自由主義的觀點,討論「小政府」的時代趨勢,二為中央省廳的大幅縮編以及衍生的效果與影響,三是討論首相輔佐機關的強化。然而卻少觸及強化政治家的政策能力,甚至是..
To build an efficient and active government, most democracies are practicing administration reform for their necessities and inevitabilities. Comparing with the democracies which reformed since 1980s, Japan is the most absorbing one that makes use of administration reform as a way of consolidation of prime minister's leadership. The current researches are focused on these three dimensions: first, the trend of “small government” from the neo-liberalism perspective; second, the effect of agencies redu..
2007 年初俄國新移民法生效後,俄屬遠東當地華商因而被迫離境,衝擊當地經濟甚鉅。俄羅斯自阻其急需人力資源的矛盾,惟有對黃禍的疑懼能作合理解釋。本文以為,俄屬遠東「黃禍論」實屬臆測誇大居多,乃係不同相關面向下產生的迷思。在俄國對外戰略因國際格局驟變而未定之際,「黃禍論」得以從中復萌,而遠東區與中央之間潛伏的疏離感亦同時觸發。此又強化當地的特殊性及經濟發展的區域遲疑,除讓地方與中央因視界歧異屢生扞格,亦造成中央整體戰略與地方區域發展間的認知衝突。在國際與國內結..
After the new immigration laws that came into force in the beginning of 2007, Chinese merchants in the Russian Far East were forced to leave, and local economy was significantly impacted as well. The fears of “Yellow Peril” obviously can explain such various paradoxes - Russia cut off its relationship with Chinese labor resource. This thesis contends that Russian Far East’s “Yellow Peril” is a gross exaggeration based on unfounded assumptions, and a myth emerged from several related dimensions. A..
Globalization has become a major research topic in the post-Cold War period. In the aspect of methodology, globalization includes the nature of dialectical logic. Accordingly, this article will present the four connected dialectical dimensions. First, with regards to the background of second Industrial Revolution, it will discuss the emergence of the Fordist way of production and its political-economic impacts. Then, in lines with Fordism, it will discuss the promotion of the practice of mass consumption to the theory of cons..
財政短缺常是政府選擇 PFI 的主要原因之一,PFI 可以幫助政府克服財政上的兩難:即在緊縮的財政情況下,仍能透過較高的私人資本支出增加公共投資。本文主要的目的即在檢驗具有豐富 PFI 經驗的英國,尤其是新工黨執政時,是否符合這項假設。此外,本文也試圖回答新工黨選擇 PFI 的理由、主要的作法及其如何面對黨內 PFI 的反對者,以貫徹其執行 PFI 的決心。研究發現保守黨政府採取 PFI,確實存在政府部門面臨的財經壓力,工黨政府並非在財政壓力下,為了控制公共..
Financial shortage is the main reason governments choose PFI. Literature on PFI almost always argues that they can solve the government financial dilemmas under extreme conditions of retrenchment through more private capital spending to boost public investment. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the British government under the New Labor matches the hypothesis. Moreover, this study tries to find out why and how PFI has been adopted and carried through by the New Labor in spite of oppositions within the party. We ..
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