從兩次世界大戰至今,國際政治結構與秩序發生幾次重大的轉變。集體安全制度的形成、戰爭形態的改變、以及全球化與區域化發展所帶來新的問題與威脅等,使傳統「中立」制度與觀念面臨存廢的挑戰。另一方面,實踐上,有關「中立」概念的主張與應用卻始終存在。有鑒於此,本文擬從國際政治發展的不同階段,以宏觀的角度來探討「中立」概念的源起以及法律與政策面的發展與轉變,嘗試對「中立」概念在現代國際秩序中的角色與作用進行理論和實踐的觀察與分析。 從法律層面來看,傳..
Since the two World Wars, the structure and order of international politics have undergone considerable changes. In particular, the creation of the collective security system, new forms of warfare and new problems and threats emerging from globalization and regionalization, challenge the value of “neutrality” in the new international environment. But in practice, contrary to stated facts, states continue to make use of the concept under international law or in international politics. Thus, this article tries to pr..
2006 年,索羅門群島政府先後宣布澳大利亞駐索羅門群島高專科爾 (Patrick Cole) 及澳籍警察總監卡索(Shane Castles) 為「不受歡迎人物」(persona non grata) ,兩國外交關係惡化,之後索羅門群島向國際控訴,由澳大利亞領導的「索羅門群島區域援助團」(RAMSI) 不符索羅門群島期待,希望RAMS I 撤離。太平洋各島國於是在同年1 0月舉行的第3 7 屆「太平洋島圈論壇」 (Pacific Islands Forum , PIF) 峰會上, 決定..
The government of Soloman Islands declared former Australian high commissioner Patrick Cole and police commissioner Shane Castles as persona non grata in 2006. The incidence had worsened the relationship between Soloman Islands and Australia. The Prime Minister of Soloman Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, wants RAMSI to evacuate from his country. In order to resolve this dispute, the 37th Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in 2006 established the Forum Troika of the past, present and incoming chairs to review RAMSI and its future. RAMSI is a regiona..
本研究擬針對 Journal Citation Report(JCR)政治學門的期刊排序進行探討,以期國內政治學界就此問題上建立新共識,其重點在於:整理一套具有時間縱軸的資料庫,建立一套包括政治學次領域(政治理論、國際關係、公共行政、比較政治、區域研究)的期刊排序,提供一套政治學門個別國際期刊特別屬性的質化背景資料,並對國內政治學界提出是否擴大現有 SSCI 期刊名單的建議。
This research utilizes the Journal Citation Report’s ranking order of political science as a reference in order to fashion an understanding among the Taiwanese scholarly community. The research aims to the following goals: 1). To set up a longitudinal time series data set, 2). to incorporate all the subsets of political science journal rank order, including political theories, international relations, public administration, comparative politics, area studies, and 3). to provide a qualitative reference data set on all po..
在調查資料的累積下,研究者可運用計量方法來進行以「比較問題」為目的之實證研究。在問題取向上除了針對特定主題進行跨年度的比較外,學者也關注不同國家或區域的比較研究,也可依理論設定,對特定標的從事比較問題設定。 本文的目的在於從方法論出發,探討從事計量研究時所應關切的比較問題邏輯。首先,作者說明比較研究的問題本質,並提出比較單元與分析單位異同時的不同研究架構;接著進一步討論在比較的架構下,如何運用適當計量模型設定方式,方能對於比較問題提出直..
In recent years, it is possible that researchers apply quantitative method to comparative inquiries by the accumulation of cross-sectional survey data. Accordingly, some political scientists start to explore and study comparative inquiries tested by pooled cross sectional data, sorted by the units such as time, countries and some specific subjects guided through theoretical postulates. This paper is concerned about the logic and application of quantitative research methodologically, especially in comparative inquir..
The purpose of this paper is to examine perceived differences among the ASEAN countries toward East Asia regional cooperation and integration, and to analyze the prospect of recent regional cooperation with ASEAN members in the foremost position of such development. Regional economic cooperation and integration in East Asia is a diversified and complicated process. Since the beginning, ASEAN countries have been emphasizing on their principal role in leading the process. They want to play a dominant role in influencing the age..
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