本文探討影響中美在中國沿海進行海域油氣勘探合作的主要變數。尼克森政府時期,中美開始海域油氣勘探上的接觸。改革開放與中美建交後,中國擴大與美國在海域油氣勘探上的合作。不過,中國和周邊國家存在領土與邊界爭議。北京威脅使用武力,對美國政府與石油公司產生影響。《聯合國海洋法公約》是另一個重要變數,特別是在蘇聯瓦解後。2008 年,中美開始進行有關投資保障協定的談判。一般而言,雙邊投資協定要求簽約國對外來投資者提供保護。2012 年,歐巴馬政府完成了美國投資保障協定範..
This article discusses major factors affecting offshore oil and natural gas exploration cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the United States along China’s coast. Contact between the U.S. and China regarding offshore oil and natural gas exploration began in the Nixon Administration. After the reform and opening-up policy and the establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations, China expanded cooperation with the U.S. in offshore oil and natural gas exploration. However, there are existing territ..
東南亞在亞太政經體系中的重要性逐日提升,從而使得主要大國持續策畫新區域戰略,積極布局東南亞國家及社會,藉以強化自身的影響力。臺灣在 2016 年再次經歷政黨輪替,蔡英文總統啟動新南向政策作為建立臺灣與周邊區域全面連結的新戰略。新南向政策設定「以人為本」的主軸,除了重 新建構臺灣的區域定位,亦在經貿合作、人才交流、資源共享與區域鏈結等四個面向深耕臺灣與新南向區域、國家及社會的協力關係。本研究分別從制度與網絡兩個軸線分析新南向政策的進展:首先,在制度軸線方面,本..
The strategic importance of Southeast Asia is increasingly weighted in recent years among Asia-Pacific major powers and Taiwan. Since 2016, as Taiwan experienced another power transition, President Tsai Ing-Wen initiated the New Southbound Policy as her flagship strategy to link up Taiwan with neighboring countries. A people-centered rationale of the New Southbound Policy aims at reconstructing Taiwan’s regional identity, deepening its relation with regional countries and contributing to local societies. This paper disc..
2005年,印度與中國建立了「戰略合作夥伴關係」(strategic cooperative partnership),給予外界中印關係改善的印象。在現實情況中,中印的戰略夥伴關係呈現出在安全與經濟上的落差,較類似兩個原本敵意深重的發展中國家,為了經濟發展所進行的策略聯盟,以經濟發展為重,而與安全合作及解決主權與邊界爭議較無關。本文從決策者進行合作時的利益與成本考量的角度,探討中印「戰略夥伴關係」的發展前景。中印建構戰略夥伴關係,是決..
In 2005, China and India established a “strategic cooperative partnership,” which led to rising optimism about China-India relations. This article discusses prospects of the China-India strategic partnership from the perspective of benefit and cost. The China-India strategic partnership is regarded as an attempt by the leaders of the two countries to change bilateral relations from non-cooperation to cooperation. The key to successful transformation lies in the fact that decision makers of both sides can recognize..
2016 年夏,歐盟面臨近 20 年來恐怖主義威脅的最高峰。2015 年初開始,伊斯蘭恐怖分子陸續對法、比、德等國境內大城發動恐怖攻擊,使歐洲國家陷入極度恐慌。本文從歐洲恐怖主義的歷史背景出發,討論歐洲恐怖主義意識形態基礎的轉變,並描述伊斯蘭國對歐洲的威脅。此外,歐洲外交安全政策、內部移民問題與社會問題、聖戰意識形態、網路科技等因素,皆對歐洲近期恐怖主義的發展,產生重大影響。此一波歐洲恐怖攻擊方式,主要 以孤狼式攻擊為主,而歐洲聯盟也以內部與外部行動,企圖回..
In the summer of 2016, Europe was facing its biggest terrorist threat of the last two decades. Form the beginning of 2015, Islamic terrorists have launched a series of attacks on major cities in France, Belgium and Germany. The EU has been in a state of panic after the attacks. First, this article discusses the transformation of terrorist ideology in Europe from a historical background and describes the threat of the Islamic State. In addition, the European foreign and security policy, immigration and social problems, jihadis..
2007-08 年爆發全球金融危機後,美聯準會(Fed)實施三輪的量化寬鬆貨幣(QE)政策以支持金融穩定與刺激經濟成長。Fed 的 QE 政策導致美元貶值,這意味持有過半美國債券作為儲備貨幣之外國官方機構(Foreign Official Institutions, FOIs),其國債部位將產生巨大之資本損失。強調新自由主義世界秩序重要性之國際政治經濟學文獻,在論述金融全球化時指出, Fed 的銀行紓困計畫對其他經濟體形成非意圖性之資本流動的外溢效果。藉由 ..
In the wake of the global financial crisis that struck the world in 2007- 08, the U.S. Federal Reserve(the Fed)has undertaken three rounds of quantitative easing(QE)in an effort to sustain financial stability and stimulate economic growth. However, the Fed’s QE policy inevitably resulted in dollar depreciation, which means a huge capital loss for foreign official institutions ( FOIs ) since FOIs hold more than half of the outstanding stock of U.S. Treasury securities as official reserve holdings. Existing International ..
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