This paper presents the main results of the “European Small States Security” to the research community. The Community in three years’ time analyzes the governance model under the EU framework from the perspective of small states functional cooperation in non-traditional security. These studies also explore how small states can enhance their security strategy and bolster capabilities through transnational cooperation and effective governance mechanisms, aiming to answer the following sub- questions: why small..
本文起源於兩大研究問題:誰在治理中國的糧食安全?中國糧食安全嗎?因此使用聯合國糧食安全定義分析中國大陸糧食安全治理機制與治理狀況,主要發現有兩點:第一是糧食議題的安全化進展。聯合國雖然從 1970 年代中葉就開始進行糧食議題的安全化,並且逐步在 1970 年代將糧食充足性,1980 年代將糧食可取得性,1990 年代將食物使用性等項目列入糧食安全的指標中,但是氣候變遷卻在 21 世紀初期成為威脅糧食安全的新變數,使得糧食供需及取得的穩定性在近期成為糧食安全的..
This paper arises from an attempt to answer the two following questions: (1)Who is responsible for China’s food security governance?(2)Is China’s food security status secured? Definition of food security constructed by the United Nations(UN)was applied to analyze China’s food security governance and status, with two important findings. First, regarding securitization of the food issues, while the UN has gradually taken food availability(since the 1970s), accessibility(since the 1980s), and utilization and sa..
英國於 2016 年 6 月 23 日舉行全國性公投,脫歐派以 51.9%勝出,再於 2017 年 3 月 29 日啟動《歐洲聯盟條約》第 50 條脫歐程序,意味英國通知後的兩年內脫離歐盟。英國脫歐將對英國與歐盟帶來重大深遠之影響,英歐未來關係很大程度將取決於脫歐談判之結果,包括脫歐條件、過渡機制以及雙邊協定等安排。本文以英國脫歐對歐盟之影響為研究對象,探討英國脫歐對歐盟預算、經貿、歐洲整合及對外關係等方面之潛在影響。本文建議英國與歐盟應從事理性談判,架構出..
A national referendum was held in the UK on 23 June 2016, with the result of a 51.9% vote to exit the EU. On 29 March 2017, the UK triggered the Article 50 procedure which will lead to Brexit in two years. Brexit poses a big challenge for both the UK and the EU. Future UK-EU relationship will mainly be decided by the results of the Brexit negotiations, in terms of its exit arrangements, transitional mechanisms, bilateral agreements, etc. This paper focuses on the impact of Brexit on the EU, particularly on the EU’s budg..
This paper attempts to (re)interpret Estonia’s security policy by adopting the concept of “marginality,” an idea that bears such elements as geopolitics, identity, size and power relations, and is therefore suitable for studying small states’ security policies. A small state located at the margin is not necessarily constrained by or subjected to the great power at the center, because as a constituent part of the very relationship, the margin always has certain potential to exert influence on the center..
Since the Obama administration initiated the “Rebalancing toward Asia” policy, development of US-Malaysia relationship has been one of the crucial topics. Many researchers have suggested that Obama’s policy toward Malaysia is more successful than that of Bush’s, and most works have followed the framework of “bilateralism vs. multilateralism” and “security- oriented vs. economy-oriented” to make a strategic comparison. This article examines such frameworks and argues that they ar..
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