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搜尋結果 : 和" Asia"有關的資料, 共有181筆
Area Studies as an Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand South Asia: The Evolution and Challenges of South Asian Studies in American Academy
張世澤(Shih-Tse Chang)張世強(Shih-Chiang Chang)


The establishing of South Asian studies in America during the decades following the WWII marked an important shift in the study of South Asia from Oriental studies and Indology towards an interdisciplinary area studies approach which tried to treat this area as objects of social sciences and humanities. During the ensuing decade, the earnest scholarship begun with the leading universities, such as the University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania; all fostered new projects focused on South Asia. They had emphasized study ..

ASEAN and the East Asia Economic Integration: From "ASEAN plus Three" to "East Asia Summit"
吳玲君(Lin-Jun Wu)


The purpose of this paper is to examine perceived differences among the ASEAN countries toward East Asia regional cooperation and integration, and to analyze the prospect of recent regional cooperation with ASEAN members in the foremost position of such development. Regional economic cooperation and integration in East Asia is a diversified and complicated process. Since the beginning, ASEAN countries have been emphasizing on their principal role in leading the process. They want to play a dominant role in influencing the age..

The Asian Financial Crisis and the Roles of the International Monetary Fund
黃仁德(Jen-Te Hwang)林進煌(Jinn-Hwang Lin)

亞洲金融危機始自 1997 年 7 月泰銖的崩潰,以印尼、南韓、泰國、菲律賓及馬來西亞等 5 國受害最深,其他鄰國也紛紛遭受波及,各國根據所處主、客觀環境,採取不同的因應方法。泰國、印尼、南韓等國由於外匯短缺,只有聽任本國貨幣貶值,進行經濟上的對外調整,而其後遺症則為倚賴外債過深的企業連鎖倒閉,帶來金融機構逾期放款大幅增加,以及經濟成長率下滑、失業率上升等問題。新加坡、香港、日本、中國及台灣,整體而言受影響較小。自 1997 年亞洲爆發金融危機,迄 2006..

The Asian financial crisis started with the collapse of the Thai baht in July 1997. Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia were the countries most affected by the crisis. The other neighboring countries were also hit by the slump. Those countries took different strategies to cope with their crises according to their own subjective and objective environment. Because of the shortage of foreign exchange reserves, Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea had to let local currencies devaluated substantially to adjus..
