歐洲歷經兩極體系瓦解與區域整合不斷推進的國際局勢,處在歐洲大陸的眾多國家各自發展出不同的安全策略、採取多種途徑保障本身國家安全,我們認為歐洲國家的安全策略選擇有其路徑可循,本文著重討論此種策略選擇的因素分析。在案例揀選上,本文特別著重歐洲中小型國家安全策略選擇,這主要是因為過去相當長的時間國際關係學多著重於大國安全研究,對中小型國家重視程度仍有待提升,因此本文擬從中小型國家著手,分析這一群國家安全策略選擇。 在安全策略選擇模式建立上,本..
The European continent has been free of great wars since the end of Cold War. This article assesses security studies in international relations by focusing on middle ground states’ strategic choices in relation to great powers. We argue that Small and Medium States(SMSs)widespread in Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and South Caucasus have their strategic calculations in shaping their security choices. The article posits that the decision-making process of SMSs’ security policies rests upon differentiated and cros..
2016 年夏,歐盟面臨近 20 年來恐怖主義威脅的最高峰。2015 年初開始,伊斯蘭恐怖分子陸續對法、比、德等國境內大城發動恐怖攻擊,使歐洲國家陷入極度恐慌。本文從歐洲恐怖主義的歷史背景出發,討論歐洲恐怖主義意識形態基礎的轉變,並描述伊斯蘭國對歐洲的威脅。此外,歐洲外交安全政策、內部移民問題與社會問題、聖戰意識形態、網路科技等因素,皆對歐洲近期恐怖主義的發展,產生重大影響。此一波歐洲恐怖攻擊方式,主要 以孤狼式攻擊為主,而歐洲聯盟也以內部與外部行動,企圖回..
In the summer of 2016, Europe was facing its biggest terrorist threat of the last two decades. Form the beginning of 2015, Islamic terrorists have launched a series of attacks on major cities in France, Belgium and Germany. The EU has been in a state of panic after the attacks. First, this article discusses the transformation of terrorist ideology in Europe from a historical background and describes the threat of the Islamic State. In addition, the European foreign and security policy, immigration and social problems, jihadis..
The dynamic development of European security in both theoretical debate and policy practice has made its research a momentous model in the field of security studies. This article aims at exploring various theoretical structures of European security by systematically examining both rationalism and non-rationalism in regional security, international relations theories, and global systems. Core issues of focus are allocated at three levels. The article applies a theoretical basis to the volatile evolution of European security du..
As great power politics are regarded as trend setters in international relations(IR), most contemporary IR studies often neglected small states’ foreign behaviors. However, after the end of the Cold War, bipolar confrontation of great powers no longer existed, attentions began to turn to small states in the realm of international relations. The author argues that, with the help of proper design of methodological approach, the extent of small states’ external..
「新功能主義」(Neo-Functionalism, NF)是研究區域統合(integration) 最常被討論的論述之一,不過近年來新功能主義在內容上已有了很大的轉化:外溢效果(spill-overeffect)不再被視作統合的唯一自變項,而統合也只是「暫時」的依變項,不再是一項必定的結果。 哈斯(Ernst Haas)在新世紀即對其近 50 年前所提之新功能主義提出評論,獲學界高度矚目,頗值關心此議題及關心兩岸發展的人士注意;本文藉..
Neo-functionalism(NF)is one of the most argumentative theories for dealing with issues of regional integration. Supporters of NF argue that when the spillover effectis created through the process of functional integration, separate entities can construct political systems compatible with each other. Nevertheless, NF, especially that proposed by Ernst Hass, has changed since it was contested by scholars and testified in the literature. Nowadays, it is not valid to argue that the spillover effect can create integration automati..
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