There are many models of external balancing based on neo-realism. Nevertheless, not all can interpret why and how states choose among different types of internal balancing strategies to response the extrinsic stress. To understand the change of a state’s military policy, neoclassical realism integrates the system-level and unit-level variables. However, it still ignores the dual nature of the logic of state’s action, namely, besides interest, the influence of culture. Hence, a new “secure arming” model..
21 世紀開始以來,國際上發生了許多重大的恐怖攻擊事件,例如 2001 年 911 恐怖攻擊事件、2002 與 2003 年兩次峇里島爆炸事件、2004 年馬德里火車爆炸事件,2005 年倫敦地鐵攻擊事件、2008 年孟買攻擊事件。這些恐怖攻擊事件因為造成眾多人死傷,加上國際媒體晝夜強力放送,使閱聽大眾至今記憶猶新。但是,這些恐怖攻擊事件都只是整個恐怖組織活動的最終「產品」。 國際恐怖行動若分成上、中、下游。上游是資金的供給,中游是人員..
Since the beginning of the 21st century, many deadly terrorist attacks have taken places, such as the 9-11 attacks in 2001, Bali terrorist attacks in 2002, Madrid train bombings in 2004, and London suicide bombings in 2005. The images of these terrorist attacks on the audience around the globe are readily recalled due to casualties and broadcasting by the international media. In actuality, the attacks are the “final products” of a whole series of activities conducted by international terrorism. If terro..
我國實務見解對於載貨證券仲裁條款,拘泥於當事人簽名與否,不符國際公約與英美法制,亦抵觸仲裁法。按仲裁法理,載貨證券載有仲裁條款,而未抵觸相關定型化契約規範時,透過載貨證券交付,構成當事人仲裁合意;海商法第 78 條允許運送關係當事人約定仲裁地與仲裁規則,並視為仲裁協議一部份,明文承認載貨證券仲裁條款效力。關於載貨證券引置傭船契約仲裁條款之效力,因仲裁法強調仲裁合意之彰顯,故引置條款未指明引用傭船契約仲裁條款者,應認為未形成仲裁合意;反之、若明確指向傭船契約仲..
Regarding the formality of arbitration clause on bills of lading, our judiciary opinions are insistent upon the signature requirement of the involving parties, which contradict not only the international conventions and the Anglo-American legislations, but also our Arbitration Law. Under the Arbitration Law, a bill of lading containing an arbitration clause that constitutes consent to arbitration by exchange of letter or other communications between parties if the rules for adhesive contract terms are satisfied. Article 78 of..
長期以來人類對於海洋生物資源的過度開發導致許多漁業資源日漸減少,甚至有瀕臨絕種之虞。因而為了實現漁業資源的永續開發,國際社會企圖從漁船的管理與海上漁業活動的規範兩方面著手建立有效的管理取締體系。本稿在於檢討公海漁業管理上船旗國所扮演之角色與功能,主要以探討權宜船管理與 「非法、未報告、未受規範漁業 (Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, IUU Fishing)」之關係作為論述重點,並且進一步從強化船旗國義務的觀點,析論相關規範之有效性..
It is often mentioned that some fish stocks have been perched on the edge of extinction because of over-fishing and the lack of effective measures of fisheries management and conservation. In order to enable a sustainable development of fishery resources, international community tries to establish various management and enforcement measures against illegal fishing activities at seas. However, the effectiveness of some of these measures is frequently questioned and criticized such that nowadays the fishery issues and their countermeasures or..
本文從批判性地緣政治 ( critical geopolitics ) 的角度,藉由波士尼亞戰爭 ( 1992-1995 年 )此一案例,探討後冷戰時期美國的外交政策。深受國際關係後實證主義 ( post-positivism) 的影響,批判性地緣政治旨在問題化(problematize) 地緣政治的思想,主張地緣政治的基本元素,例如主權、領土、疆界、民族國家等,其意義不是既定的,而是社會實踐的結果。外交政策的功能之一,即是藉由賦予特定「他者」一個地緣政治的意義,建構或合理化國家的政策還..
This paper uses the approach of critical geopolitics to study the US foreign policy in the post-Cold War era, with the Bosnian war (1992-1995) being the empirical case. Influenced by the stream of post-positivism in International Relations (IR), critical geopolitics aims at problematizing traditional geopolitical thinking, holding that the meaning of concepts such as sovereignty, territory, boundary, nation-state, and so on, is not given and fixed, but is a construct of social practices. One function of foreign policy is thus to give an &ld..
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