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搜尋結果 : 和" UN"有關的資料, 共有982筆
The Interaction of Political Economy between the EU and Central America: Analysis from Transregional Level
卓忠宏(Chung-Hung Cho)

近年來,歐盟逐漸修正對外貿易政策轉向與第三國及區域組織談判簽署「區域貿易協定」的結盟方式。歐盟與中美洲自由貿易協定就是以「區域對區域」的方式推動而發展出「跨區域」與「區域間」主義的走向。這種跨區域與區域間關係的建構不僅在區域內部,同時在跨區域聯繫上呈現出制度化發展的趨勢。 文章嘗試從跨區域層次解讀歐盟與中美洲(包括哥斯大黎加、薩爾瓦多、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、巴拿馬 6 國)兩區域之間的政經互 動。文章架構分成六部分:除前言外,其..

The European Union has recently shifted to a trade policy that envisages a greater use of the Regional Trade Agreements(RTAs)with all partners. The EU is pursuing the RTAs with Central America through a pattern of “region to region” to form the basis of negotiations, which is implying a certain degree of inter-and trans-regionalism characteristics. The development of inter-and trans-regional relations reflects a general trend of institutionalization of relations not only within but also across regions. This articl..

The Re-linkage between Neoclassical Realism and Foreign Policy Analysis
廖舜右(Shun-Yo Liao)蔡松伯(Sung-Po Tsai)

本文主張新古典現實主義不宜再度檢視國內層次的眾多因素與變項,而應從實然的角度來思考國家如何評估威脅、國家如何選擇外交政策的類型。本文說明新古典現實主義並非為解決異例(anomaly)誕生,而是將非體系與理念因素納入體系理論的邏輯之中,也就是將國內層次因素解讀為決策者對壓力的反應類型,亦即決策者會評估並判斷應採取何種類型之外交政策。而根據決策者對國際壓力的知覺(perception),以及對於國內政治的評估 (calculation),本文整理出國家具有制衡、..

This article criticizes the inappropriateness of neoclassical realism in evaluating factors and variables at the domestic level. Instead, the manner of which states assess threats and choose types of foreign policy should be based on empirical methods. The authors explain that neoclassical realism is not a result of solving anomaly but that it combines non-structural and ideational factors into the logic of the system theory. Factors at the domestic level are supposed to be systematically categorized and simplified by types o..
