有關於層次分析(levels-of-analysis)的研究早於第二次世界大戰以來即受到西方學者相當之注重,但國內相關之研究仍未重視層次分析之研究途徑,亦很少有研究著作涉及層次分析之研究架構。近年來隨著「建構主義」 在國際關係理論上愈受重視,開展相互主觀、研究「結構/體系」與「單元 /能動者」之動態互動關係,並提及跨層分析的重要性,可惜建構主義學者亦未能將層次分析之相關理論做系統性之整理或推導成分析模型。針對此,本文將傳統國際關係理論及建構主義涉及層次分析的..
Levels-of-analysis has been one of most important IR theory in the West since World War II, but still waiting to be explored in Taiwan. With the rises of constructivism emphasizing the concept of intersubjectivity, exploring the relations between structure and agency, and reverting the significance of cross-levels analysis, researchers are forced to recall levels-of-analysis approach. However, there is still a pity that constructivism did not offer a modeling analytical framework for the studies of levels-of-analysis. Therefo..
After World War ΙΙ, “Japan as No.1 (or ‘economical miracle’),” which signifies Japan’s political and economical achievements, always attracted researchers’ curiosity. As we know, politicians and bureaucrats play leading roles in Japanese political processes; consequently, the Japanese academia argued over the perspectives of “bureaucracy domination” and “party domination,” then the argument was switched to “policy domination,” which emphasizes t..
受到 1980 年代起國際關係理論第三次大辯論的影響,政治地授學者與國際關係學者也將後設理論的爭論帶進地緣政治研究,後現代地緣政治或批判性地緣政治是運用後結構主義、後現代主義與批判理論作為其論述的哲學基礎。批判性地緣政治是質疑傳統地緣政治的本體論與知識論的前提假定,解構傳統地緣政治對世界政治的觀察,以及挑戰其以國家為中心的政治實踐。也就是解構傳統地緣政治的霸權論述,以及質疑在主要強國的地緣政治實踐所發現的權力關係。批判性地緣政治研究影響了地緣政治研究的方向與內涵,擴展了其研究議題,但要改..
Due to the influence of the third Great Debate on International Relations Theory in the 1980s, scholars in Geopolitics and International Relations have brought the debates of metatheory into geopolitical research. They have used Post structuralism, Postmodernism, and Critical Theory philosophical foundations to question traditional geopolitics about its ontological and epistemological assumptions, to destructure its perspectives on world politics, and to challenge its state-centered political practices. Therefore, they have been called the ..
Since the terror attack of 9-11, international terrorism has become the focus of International Relations research. This paper attempts to study the content of international terrorism through four aspects: structure, strategy, instrument, and funding. Through the discussion on the structure of including the parties involved, motives, and operations, this paper extends to analyze the strategy and instrumentations of terrorism, and the mode of gathering and flows of funding. What this paper hopes to achieve is to help us gain a deeper in..
在過去的二十年以來,理論辯論成為寬廣的國際關係理論領域中日益顯著的部份。如果我們需要使用一組可信而適當的理論,來回答關於在特定條件下國際關係理論分歧的向題,則現有理論無法提供一個滿意的答案。 本文嘗試提出一個整體的觀點,來理解國際關係中的研究途徑與理論概念現存的分歧情形。基此目的,本研究的目標,在於藉由統攝概念的運動,以建立 一個國際關係理論分歧現象的分析架構,來理解那些主理論分歧的現象。 本文的討論並未解決那些現存理論分歧的問題,只是嘗試說明一個理論的爭議將會如何予以解..
Over the last 20 years, theoretical debates have become an increasingly conspicuous part in the broader field of international Relations Theory. If we are in need of an adequate theory that provides a set of plausible and testable answers to questions about theoretical diversity under specified conditions, the existing theory, in term, does not suffice. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive perspective to understand the existing diversity of research approaches and theoretical concepts of international relations. To this end, t..
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