Over the past decade, terrorist activities in Southeast Asia have increasingly posed great threat upon regional security. By developing international networks, terrorist organizations can effectively launch operation across borders and deliver massive terror to societies concerned. Unlike traditional security threats to states, threats of terrorist organizations are characterized by its vast complexity and scope of activities. Not only do terrorists conduct violent attacks to communities targeted, but also carry out money lau..
Self-determination is a concept in principle, by which the people having rights to form their own state or government. However, the movement of self-determination of the 20th century is becoming a very complicated issue with various definitions under international politics and laws. Since the 1990s, the practice of self-determination movement has far exceeded the legal framework, as originally considered for the independence of post-war colonies in the 1960s. The increasing relevance and importance of the problem in secession are due ..
From the viewpoint of the natural law, the Kosovar Albanians should have the right of self-determination. But Kosovo, a region with the strongest will for independence, the longest time of struggle, and the greatest differences with Serbia in both race and culture, still cannot achieve its independence until now when compared with Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia, which were separated from the Yugoslav Federation and all became independent successively at the early 1990's. This article argues that the Kosovar Alb..
國際關係理論逐漸呈現以理論綜合的方式進行國際關係研究,國際規範研究是其中的重要議題之一,本文嘗試從國際規範的生命週期開始,運用「國際規範社群下的策略行動」(strategic actions in a international norm community),以理性主義(策略行為)與建構主義(規範行為)理論綜合的策略與研究途徑分析美國「防止擴散安全提議」,探索此國際規範的興起、擴展、內化與侵蝕階段時期中,不同國家的行為動機,藉以呈現說明理論綜合能提供不同面向的相互補充解釋。
The international norm is one of the major topics in international relations research, of which synthesized approach is gradually becoming a trend. This paper attempts to adopt Frank Schimmelfennig's approach- the strategic actions in an international norm community- to synthesize the theories of rationalism and constructivism in the international norm circle. As the case, the Proliferation Security Initiative will be analyzed through different phases of emergence of the life circle-cascade, diffusion, internalization, and erosion- to u..
2004年10月,第五屆亞歐會議在越南河內舉行,本屆亞歐會議可以視為歐洲與亞洲兩大區域的結合。亞歐會議雖然確立了「政治對話、經濟合作和文化交流」三大領域的合作關係,但是到目前卻仍然停留在相互對話及磨合的階段,連最初步的雙方共組自由貿易區都無法達成共識; 另外,不論從經濟面向或是政治面向來檢視,亞太地區仍然是東亞國家主要貿易往來的主體,同時亞太地區已經存在著亞太經合會的對話管道,甚至東亞地區的東協加三也正在逐漸成形,成為東北亞與東南亞的主要交流管道,因此,在沒有共同經濟利益的基礎之下,亞歐..
The 5th ASEM took place on October 2004 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Although ASEM is an informal forum, it was one of the most important cross-continental regime. Though the forum establishes the structure of “political dialogue, economical cooperation, and culture interflow”, the process still lodges on dialogues of two sides, even in the free trade area that was co-established, consensus is rare. In addition, from both political and economical aspect, the Asian-pacific region still is the mainframe of East Asian trades; the A..
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