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搜尋結果 : 和"EC"有關的資料, 共有869筆
「疫帶疫路」在東南亞? 再探新冠肺炎期間中國對東南亞的防疫外交
When China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) Meets the Covid-19 Pandemic in Southeast Asia? Revisiting China’s Pandemic Prevention Diplomacy towards Southeast Asia
楊昊 (Alan Hao Yang)

本研究主要探索新冠疫情對中國一帶一路的影響,並進一步分析中國 對東南亞國家的防疫外交。本文分為四個部分,第一部份是為前言,說明 研究旨趣與架構,並就與本研究旨趣相關之文獻進行回顧;第二部分聚焦 於疫情爆發之的合作實踐。然而,這兩個特徵放在與東協國家具體互動中確實也出現若 干問題;本研究除了進一步探索之,並試圖提供解釋,且於結語處提出六 項研究發現。後,論及疫情衝擊一帶一路的國際輿論與觀點。再者,本文 於第三部分延續檢視疫情期間中國對鄰近區域(東南亞國家)的防疫外交 工作是否符合中國整體外..

This study mainly explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and further analyzes China’s pandemic prevention diplomacy (PPD) towards Southeast Asian countries. This study i neighboring countries mainly responded to the long-existing strategic priority of China’s foreign policy guidelines, that is, to prioritize the neighbors as the f irst principle, while the second to implement collaboration in accordance to the differentiated relationships among partner countries. However, im..

An Empirical Analysis of Indonesian Local Politics and the 2019 Presidential Election: A Clientelist Perspective
游雅雯 ( Ya-wen Yu)

印尼總統佐科威於2014年首次贏得總統大選後,在2019年再次勝選並 連任。有別於既有文獻以社群媒體、認同政治、經濟投票等因素來解釋佐 科威於2019年勝選連任的可能原因,本文利用縣市層級的資料,探討侍 從主義如何對於佐科威競選科威在該縣市獲得較多選票。綜言之,本研究的貢獻在於從侍從主義的角 度,對於佐科威2019年的選舉表現提出重要的補充觀點。連任的選舉表現造成影響。本文主張,在佐科 威執政前的恩庇侍從關係,主要強調社區與個別地方政治人物的角色;而 在佐科威執政期間,可觀察到政黨在侍從..

After first winning the presidential election in 2014, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was reelected in 2019. Unlike existing literature that explains Jokowi’s 2019 victory through factors such as social media, identity politics, and economic voting, this article uses city/regency-level data to explore how clientelism impacts Jokowi’s electoral performance. It argues that prior to Jokowi’s administration, patron-client relationships primarily emphasized the roles of community and individual local politicians. Dur..

中國也有「印太戰略」嗎? 攻勢現實主義的觀點
Is There a China’s “Indo-Pacific Strategy”? An Offensive Realism Perspective
吳峻鋕 (Jun-zhi Wu) 張文揚 (Wen-yang Chang)

不論從當前的理論或是實務發展來看,中國在2010年以來的對外主要 作為均以其一帶一路倡議以及亞洲基礎設施投資銀行作為分析要點,而美 國的對應則聚焦在歐巴馬總統開始,並在川普與拜登時期成熟的印太戰略 上。學界與政策界對兩國互動的研析,不外乎是基於這樣的戰略架構討 論。不過,中國如何在近年發展之中逐漸形成一套在亞洲地區的策略,用 以應對美國及其盟友的印太戰略,目前並沒有一套較完整的架構解析。本 文認為,雖然在政策偏向、對外原則以及價值觀等面向,中國並沒有採用 美國及其盟國所主張的「印太戰略」..

From either theory or practice, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have been identified as two major foreign behaviors of China. To respond, the United States adopts the Indo Pacific Strategy which started in the Obama administration and developed in Trump and Biden administrations. Though scholars and policy practitioners apply the aforementioned strategies to analyze US-China relations, the understanding of China’s strategy in Asia is still underdeveloped. This paper argues that while ..

Leadership in Technology: Analyzing the US-China Dynamic in Technological Power
周冠竹 (Kuan-chu Chou)

隨著拜登政府(Biden Administration)對中國半導體、人工智慧以及資通訊產業進行制裁,美中兩大強權於科技領域內競爭態勢已經形成。學者與政府官員對於中國挑戰美國科技霸權感到憂慮。然而當前國際關係領域缺乏對總體科技實力建構有效測量指標,導致在衡量中國科技權力上產生偏誤。因此,本文從金融權力、人力資本和智慧財產三個面向出發,建構了一套測量國家總體科技權力的指標。從指標中可發現,儘管中國已成為科技強國之一,但其與美國之間仍存在顯著差距。透過比較個案研究發現相比於美國開放社會帶來金..

As the Biden administration imposes sanctions on China’s semiconductor, artificial intelligence, and information and communication industries, a competitive stance in the technological arena has been established between the two powers, the United States and China. Scholars and government officials are concerned about China’s challenge to the US’s technological hegemony. However, there is a lack of effective measurement indicators for overall technological capability in the current field of international relations, lead..

深度學「習」:以自然語言處理方法研究 「習近平重要講話」意識形態與時序變化趨勢
Deep Learning “Xi”: Using Natural Language Processing Important Ideology Model and Timeseries Trends in “Xi Jinping’s Speech”
邵軒磊 (Hsuan-lei Shao)

「習近平之發言作為」成為觀察中共政治情勢的核心指標,其個人思想也成為中共政治的重要動力。本研究試圖回答:「習近平意識形態體系特徵與其思想時序變化」,特別是與毛主義的關係。本研究之方法為「計算政治學/計算中國研究」,使用計算機為核心來探索人力難以發現的部分。具體而言,蒐集「習近平系列重要講話資料庫」中之講話文本,作為分析語料。使用程式技術如文字探勘(text mining)、自然語言處理(natural language processing)與深度學習(deep learning)演算法..

Xi Jinping’s activities have become the core focus of the CCP’s political landscape, and his ideology has emerged as a significant driving force in Chinese politics. This study aims to answer the question: “What are the characteristics of Xi Jinping’s ideological system and its chronological evolution?” particularly in relation to Maoism. The methodology of this research is rooted in “computational politics/computational Chinese studies,” utilizing computational methods to explore aspects that are d..
