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搜尋結果 : 和"外交"有關的資料, 共有241筆
Do We Still Need International Relations Theory to Study Chinese Foreign Policy?


In recent years, international relations theory has faced a potential crisis of obsolescence. The development of the three major paradigms—realism, liberalism, and constructivism—has stagnated, and the gap between theory and policy implications has widened. Empirical research guided by middle-range theories are replacing traditional international relations theory that emphasize generalization and systematic frameworks. Although international relations theory remains important, neither realism, liberalism, nor constructivism have..

The Space Development of Japan in New Era: Perspectives of Space Diplomacy and Dual Use Technology
鄭子真(Tzu-Chen Cheng)


Modern technology is advancing with each passing day, and human space activities are also showing a completely different appearance from the past. Aerospace technology not only extends to the universe, but also profoundly affects human daily life, such as satellite transmission, emerging industries, and military technology. In order to regulate these human activities in space, the current international law must deal with new issues such as space junk, international legalization of space, and protection of space assets. At the same time, low..

中國的多邊外交: 台灣學術社群研究之比較分析
China’s Multilateral Diplomacy: Researches of the Taiwanese academic society in comparative aspects
冷則剛(Tse-Kang Leng)賴潤瑤(Christina Lai)


The purposes of this study are to understand the approaches adopted by the Taiwanese scholars to research on China’s multilateral diplomacy, major characteristics of research results, and the linkages with the international academic society. The scope of analysis is limited to research publications after 2012. This paper first explores major theoretical concepts adopted by international and mainland Chinese academics on China’s multilateral diplomacy, followed by the analysis of research outputs on policy implementation and prac..

歷史的終結?歐俄競爭下中東歐國家與俄國之間外交政策利益相似程度之變化 (2000~2018)
The End of History? Changes in the Degree of Foreign Policy Similarity Between 16 Central and Eastern European Countries and Russia Amid the Russia-EU Competition (2000-2018)
薛健吾(Chien-wu Alex Hsueh)

近年來,隨著歐盟和北約組織的東擴與俄國的再度興起,位處西方民主國家與俄國之間「地緣斷層線」上的中東歐國家對俄國「抗衡或扈從」 的議題又再度浮上檯面。相關文獻指出,中、小國家與大國之間的利益相似程度,是決定其對該大國選擇「抗衡或扈從」關係的關鍵前提條件,據此,本文探討在這個「地緣斷層線」上16個曾具有相似背景的前「東方集團」的中東歐國家與俄國之間在外交政策利益相似程度上的變化。以近年來在各國所發生的事件為基礎,本文發現,經濟危機和民主退化的問題, 在近年來開始威脅著這些中東歐國家的傳統政黨..

Due to the eastern expansion of EU and NATO and the resurgence of Russia under Putin’s leadership, how the Central and Eastern European fault line states chose between balancing and bandwagoning toward Russia has become a salient issue in contemporary international relations studies. This article investigates changes in the degree of policy similarity between 16 former “Eastern Bloc” Central and Eastern European States and Russia. The rationale for this study is that previous studies demonstrated that this issue is the key..

試探美國外交政策訊號之操作:以 2012~16 年美國在南海爭議和 APEC 承諾為例
Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy Signals: Evidence from 2012 - 2016 U.S. Involvement in South China Sea Disputes and APEC Commitments
黃偉峰(David W. F. Huang)

美國如何操作外交政策訊號而使其政策意圖能夠被正確解讀呢?過去研究探討美國外交政策是否因「聽眾成本」大小而變得可信。但對於美國政府如何操作外交政策訊號卻未有系統性研究。本文介紹過去學界引用賽局理論所推演出的兩項假設。即在高賭注系列事件上,美國外交政策訊號呈現正反夾雜,混淆不一的現象。而在低賭注系列事件,美國政策訊號則呈現重複敘述,單調一致的現象。本文以美國在南海島礁爭議,以及其在 APEC 承諾的系列事件為例,試圖檢證上述兩項假設。本文發現就此兩系列案例,美國..

How does the U.S. manage its foreign policy signals to ensure its intentions are read correctly? Scholars have invoked the concept of ‘audience cost’ to explain credibility of leaders’ threats and policy signals. However, no systematic study has been undertaken on how the U.S. government manages its foreign policy signals. By employing two hypotheses developed by a scholar of signaling games, this paper attempts to examine how the U.S. manipulates policy signals to allow its intentions to be read correctly. ..
