食品貿易全球化帶來了大量的經濟利益,但開放食品進口提供國內消費者更多選擇之餘,他們健康上面臨的風險也越來越高。易言之,食品貿易在締造財富的同時,也在威脅我們每一個人的飲食衛生安全。在出口國透過食品貿易賺取經濟利潤之際,進口國公共衛生安全法規的自主性也受到挑戰。全球食品貿易機展的越快,主權國家面臨公共衛生與貿易自由化兩種法益權衡與選擇的困境就越強;一方面國家有義務保障本國人民的健康,但一方面其也必須遵守世界貿易組俄 (WTO) 架構下的食品安全規範。
有別於傳統的安全研究,本文主張將人類安全的概念置於衛生安全的核心思考中,並透過以「人」為本的安全觀來撿視目前的食品安全與貿易建制。經由個案研究,本文指出食品法典委員會 (CAC) 或世界動物衛生組織 (OIE) 所提供的國際食品安全標準非常值得商榷,不必然能保障人類的衛生安全。而回應此缺失的可行方法是以人類安全代替傳統上以國家為中心的安全思考,讓衛生安全的真正主體——個人,得到應有的重視。
The globalization of trade in food has brought great economic benefits Food imports have expanded consumer choices but have also resulted in higher health risk. ln other words, food trade has generated money and threatened the health of individual at the same time. While conferring tangible economic benefits on the states, the expansion of global commerce also has posed considerable challenges for their food safety regulatory structure. In light of the expansion of food trade, the sovereign state's regulatory system has been faced with the dilemma of protecting public health by maintaining high national food safety standards, while simultaneously meeting their obligations under the WTO regime and its SPS Agreement.
Contrary to conventional security studies, this paper views “human security” as the core value of sanitary security and integrates “human security” into the relationship between food safety and trade regimes. Taking the human security approach as a new conceptual framework, the authors adopted the case study regarding the SPS Agreement under the WTO system. In analyzing the likely impact of the SPS Agreement on food safety, this study suggested that international food safety standards such as fish diseases listed by OIE or hormone residue in beef regulated by CAC's standard-setting process, are critically doubtful. In addressing this, the attempts to strengthen sanitary security on a global level could possibly be seen in the efforts by the concept of human security to establish true security. It manifests the necessity of the securitization of sanitation from focusing on “state" to the “individual”.
權力與國家利益是國際政治研究的主要探討因素,也是國際關係學界戰後研究的起點,本文認為「權力」決定「國家利益」,進而限制「國家行為」的觀點 ,在國際人權規範下未必依舊是當代國際政治與國家行為的鐵律。從冷戰後國際社會的維持和平行動來看,有相當程度國家武力干預並非出於國家利益的動機,亦非與地緣戰略有關,而只是為了去維持國際社會的價值,一種強調人權價值、避免種族淨化的發生。這種國際社會的價值 (人性尊嚴、法治、民主) ,某種程度存有所謂規範制約權力的成分,強調權力的使用來自合法性,而這規範的形塑..
Power and national interest constitute an important research topic in the study of international politics, and can be seen as the starting point for the study of international relations in the post-war period. A number of scholars have asserted that “power” determines “national interest." Such a view, however, can result in an excessively restricted understanding of “national behavior," since the relationship between contemporary international politics and national behavior is not necessarily an ironclad on..
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)currently being negotiated by the United States and the European Union is widely considered as the largest and most ambitious regional free trade agreement in the history of international trade. It attempts to establish common regulatory standards for the transatlantic marketplace, dealing with many issues such as ensuring food safety, attracting media attention and public debates. This paper discusses the TTIP agreement and the US-EU cooperation on food safety regulatio..
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