期刊內容 Issue content

Bringing the “Political Institutions” Back-In to the Variation of Governments’ Performances in Fighting against COVID-19
薛健吾 (Chien-wu Alex Hsueh)


The COVID-19 pandemic that has been sweeping the world since the early 2020 is the most important contemporary political and economic event. The fact that democracies do not outperform non-democracies in fighting the pandemic (in terms of the confirmed case percentage to their total population) aroused the debate about which kind of the political institutions is the better one. The goal of this study aims to answer the two questions about “why democracies do not outperform non-democracies in fighting COVID-19” and “when they will do so”. For the first question, I argue that because democracies tend to have higher degree of globalization and are more restricted by democratic norms, which make them often miss the golden window of pandemic preventing and are more reluctant to use coercive and severe restriction policies. As a consequence, democracies do not perform better than non-democracies that usually have lower degree of globalization and are more willing to use coercive and severe restrictions. For the second one, I argue that, due to the logic of political survival, in non-democracies, fighting against the spread of COVID-19 may not be their leaders’ priority, and the democratic leaders are more committed to epidemic prevention. However, since in democracies the formation and implementation of the anti-epidemic policies involve the interaction between the incumbent and the oppositions, the different government departments, and the central-local governments, the degree of political stability conditions how “political” the whole policy process is. In democracies that have higher degree of political stability, the anti-epidemic policies are more likely to be passed and obeyed because they arouse less political tensions between these different policy actors. Therefore, the positive influence of democratic institutions on epidemic prevention performance is stronger when the countries have higher degree of political stability. Empirical evidence from about 140 countries around the world supports my argument. The findings of this study also bring back the importance of countries’ “political institutions” in terms of their epidemic-prevention performances.
