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Is Autocracy More Efficient in Defending the Pandemic than Democracy? The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic
葉耀元 (美國聖湯瑪斯大學國際研究講座教授 當代語言學系系主任及政治學系系主任)


 Most countries have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. The numbers of confirmed cases and casualties and the overloading medical systems are all visible issues and problems each country is dealing with on a daily basis. Many observers and experts argue that authoritarian countries seem to be more capable of defending the COVID-19 pandemic because they can ignore human rights and intervene aggressively into the society to implement anti-pandemic policy, which allows quicker response to the COVID-19 pandemic and better cont..

Political and Economic Development: Investigating the Experiences in Taiwan and the East Asia
吳親恩(Chin-En Wu)林奕孜(Yi-Tzu Lin)


We review two important topics in the field of political and economic development. We discuss how states employ industrial policies and economic liberalization to promote economic development. Within the industrial policy framework, we delve into the issues of choosing winners, difference in industrial policy implementations, the relationship between technocracy and the rulers, structural factors that affect industrial policy choices, and the transformations of developmental states in recent years. Secondly, the debates surrounding developm..

Political Institutions and Multiparty Governance in Parliamentary Democracies
林政楠(Nick Lin)

 在議會內閣制下,聯合政府內部的跨黨派委任關係帶來了代理問題,而許多學者也同意,政治制度是解決此一代理問題的重要關鍵。簡單的說,參與聯合政府的政黨 ,有充分的理由藉由不同的管理或者監督機制來避免可能的代理損失。本文首先針對聯合政府下代理問題的成因進行簡短討論,再透過相關的文獻回顧,檢視在共同治理的過程中,有哪些不同的制度可以被聯合政府內的政黨用來約束以及監督其執政夥伴的投機行為,以及這些制度的成效。最後,本文也針對此一文獻未來可能的發展方向,提出簡單的幾個建議。

While delegating policymaking power across party lines can create the principal-agent problem in multiparty governments, scholars widely acknowledge that political institutions are crucial in mitigating this issue. To avoid potential agency loss, parties in multiparty governments may employ various control mechanisms to keep tabs on their ruling partners. This paper begins by briefly discussing the causes of the delegation problem in multiparty governments. We then provide a systematic review of the current literature to demonstrate the ins..

The Space Development of Japan in New Era: Perspectives of Space Diplomacy and Dual Use Technology
鄭子真(Tzu-Chen Cheng)


Modern technology is advancing with each passing day, and human space activities are also showing a completely different appearance from the past. Aerospace technology not only extends to the universe, but also profoundly affects human daily life, such as satellite transmission, emerging industries, and military technology. In order to regulate these human activities in space, the current international law must deal with new issues such as space junk, international legalization of space, and protection of space assets. At the same time, low..
