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搜尋結果 : 和"Treaty"有關的資料, 共有41筆
On the Modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty and the Agreement in Principle


The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) came into force in 1998 and is currently signed by 54 countries, mostly in Europe and Central Asia. Its purpose is to protect foreign investments from regulatory or political interferences of host State, including through investor-State dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS). A negotiation to modernize the agreement was launched in 2018. On 24 June 2022, after five years of negotiations, the Energy Charter Conference Member States reached an Agreement in Principle regarding revisions to the ECT. Despite a crushin..

道歉後的制度性安排: 澳洲條約機制引進對我國之啟發
Is Treaty-making a Way of Decolonization?: Learning from Australia’s Treaty Debates
黃之棟(Morgan Chih-Tung Huang)


In 2016, President Ing-wen Tsai apologized to the Taiwanese indigenous peoples on behalf of the government, which is known as the National Apology. Echoing this National Apology, the Council of Indigenous Peoples reaffirmed its proposal called the “substantive negotiation process”. Before long, this innovative treaty-making provision opened a debate on whether or not such process can really fit in with Taiwan’s current constitutional and legal system. As a way to move forward, this article attempts to scruti..

東南亞人權政治:條約承諾的意義 (1981∼2015)
The Motives of Ratification: Human Rights Treaties in Southeast Asia (1981-2015)
顏永銘(Yung-Ming Yen)


The last few decades witnessed positive developments in terms of human rights across Southeast Asia. It is widely believed that progresses such as the creation of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) suggested the willingness of regional countries to identify themselves with universal human rights. Nevertheless, no consensus has been reached in academia yet regarding human rights treaty commitment of regional countries. This article intends to make contribution to the knowledge of human rights treaty rat..

Major Factors Affecting Cooperation Between PRC and the U.S. on Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Exploration along China's Coast
陳鴻鈞(Hung-Chun Chen)

本文探討影響中美在中國沿海進行海域油氣勘探合作的主要變數。尼克森政府時期,中美開始海域油氣勘探上的接觸。改革開放與中美建交後,中國擴大與美國在海域油氣勘探上的合作。不過,中國和周邊國家存在領土與邊界爭議。北京威脅使用武力,對美國政府與石油公司產生影響。《聯合國海洋法公約》是另一個重要變數,特別是在蘇聯瓦解後。2008 年,中美開始進行有關投資保障協定的談判。一般而言,雙邊投資協定要求簽約國對外來投資者提供保護。2012 年,歐巴馬政府完成了美國投資保障協定範..

This article discusses major factors affecting offshore oil and natural gas exploration cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the United States along China’s coast. Contact between the U.S. and China regarding offshore oil and natural gas exploration began in the Nixon Administration. After the reform and opening-up policy and the establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations, China expanded cooperation with the U.S. in offshore oil and natural gas exploration. However, there are existing territ..

Costs in Investor-State Arbitration under International Investment Treaties
高啟中(Chi-Chung Kao)

1965 年「解決國家與他國國民間投資爭端公約」創設國際投資爭端解決中心,建立以仲裁程序為主的投資人對地主國爭端解決機制,投資人無須仰賴母國行使外交保護權,得遂行投資人對地主國仲裁以落實國際投資條約之實體保障。惟對跨國投資之中小企業而言,鉅額仲裁費用形成仲裁利用途徑之障礙,不但妨礙中小企業投資保障實體權益之落實,更可能衝擊國際投資爭端解決機制去政治化之發展。國際投資仲裁程序費用,如仲裁機構規費,仲裁庭費用與法律服務費用,動輒達百萬美元以上。中小企業可能無力承..

The 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention) established the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and affirmed the use of international arbitration as primary means for resolving disputes between foreign investors and host states. An aggrieved foreign investor no longer needs to rely upon its home state to invoke diplomatic protection once local remedies are exhausted in the host state, but could proceed with investor..
