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搜尋結果 : 和" party system"有關的資料, 共有10筆
Directly Elected President, Democratization and Party System Change: A Comparative Study on European Countries
沈有忠(Yu-chung Shen) ; 陳宥辰(You-chen Chen)


Party politics is an important issue to explain the constitutional work and consolidation of a democracy, and especially for newly democracies. If the party system would be affected by different types of constitutional systems and historical legacy, the party system should also be changed. We have three hypotheses: first, we suppose those countries with a directly elected president will have a higher probability for party system change. And the smaller parties are more likely out of parliament. Second, based on the coattail effect, countrie..

Why Did Electoral Systems Change? Theories and Verifications
林繼文(Jih-Wen Lin)


It is well known that electoral system shapes party system. By this logic, an endogenous explanation for changes in electoral systems should treat party system as the cause and changes as the consequence, in sharp contrast with theories attributing changes to exogenous factors that are irrelevant to party system. This paper argues that whether changes in electoral system are caused by party system depend on the type of the electoral system. First, if a majority party never emerges from a majoritarian electoral system, minor p..

Balancing between the President and Congress and Democratic Decay Comparing Presidential Countries in Latin America
蔡榮祥(Jung-Hsiang Tsai)


Past research argues that presidentialism and two-party systems are workable combinations that can facilitate democratic stability. The causal mechanisms are that ideological polarization is less possible to appear in a two-party system, that two parties needing to win votes from the center encourages moderation, and that the absence of the extremist parties and the centripetal nature of party competition favor democratic stability. However, in recent years, some presidential countries with a two-party system in Latin America..

The Combined Effect of Presidential and Parliamentary Electoral Systems on Party System: a Cross-Country Study
蘇子喬(Tzu-Chiao Su)王業立(Yeh-Lih Wang)

本文檢視全世界民主國家在不同總統與國會選制的搭配組合下,政黨體系有何不同。本文發現,就國會選制而言,國會選舉採比例代表制的國家, 其國會有效政黨數在整體上明顯多於國會選舉採單一選區相對多數制的國家;而不論是國會選舉採比例代表制或是採單一選區相對多數制的國家,有總統直選制度之國家的國會有效政黨數,明顯少於無總統直選制度的國家。 進一步言,在國會選舉採比例代表制的國家中,若總統選舉採相對多數制,其國會有效政黨數會少於總統選舉採兩輪決選制的國家;不過,在國會選舉採..

This study comprehensively observes the party system under different collocations of presidential and parliamentary electoral system in democracies all over the world. Regarding parliamentary electoral system, it is found that the effective number of parliamentary parties in the countries adopting proportional representation system(PR), overall, is apparently larger than that in countries adopting plurality with single-member-district system(SMD), and that in countries holding direct presidential elections is clearly smaller ..

The Study of German Party System after Unification through the "Cleavage Theory"
劉書彬(Shu-Pin Liu)

1990年統一前,東德由德國社會主義統一黨進行威權統治,西德則為一個自由民主國家,政黨在公平的競爭制度中運作。兩德統一後,政治制度迥異的兩個體系在重整過程中,必然會出現嚴重的磨合現象。不同於以往探究政黨體系僅重視體系內單純的「相關性政黨數字」的變化,與政黨「意識形態」距離與強度的差異,本論文試著從「社會分歧」(social cleavage)出發,觀察德國統一以來,社會結構分歧程度與政黨反應此基礎所呈現的互動關係,並說明政黨勢力的興衰,如何合作結盟或是分裂結構,已呈現德國政黨體系的內涵特..

Before German unification in 1990, East Germany/GDR was authoritarian-governed by the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and West Germany/FRG was a democratic state with a relatively fair competitive party system. Serious conflicts between totally different political systems must have emerged when they started to become a unified state. Differing from the traditional approach to studying party systems through party numbers and ideologies, the author will, through “social cleavage,” examine how German parties reflect the change of ..
