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搜尋結果 : 和"委員會"有關的資料, 共有38筆
Sanitary Security and International Food Trade: Awareness of the Legislative Problems within the WTO in Approach to Human Security
李河清(Ho-Ching Lee)譚偉恩(Wei-En Tan)

食品貿易全球化帶來了大量的經濟利益,但開放食品進口提供國內消費者更多選擇之餘,他們健康上面臨的風險也越來越高。易言之,食品貿易在締造財富的同時,也在威脅我們每一個人的飲食衛生安全。在出口國透過食品貿易賺取經濟利潤之際,進口國公共衛生安全法規的自主性也受到挑戰。全球食品貿易機展的越快,主權國家面臨公共衛生與貿易自由化兩種法益權衡與選擇的困境就越強;一方面國家有義務保障本國人民的健康,但一方面其也必須遵守世界貿易組俄 (WTO) 架構下的食品安全規範。 有別於傳統的安全研究,本文主張..

The globalization of trade in food has brought great economic benefits Food imports have expanded consumer choices but have also resulted in higher health risk. ln other words, food trade has generated money and threatened the health of individual at the same time. While conferring tangible economic benefits on the states, the expansion of global commerce also has posed considerable challenges for their food safety regulatory structure. In light of the expansion of food trade, the sovereign state's regulatory system has been faced with ..

The Validity and Effects of Arbitration Clauses in Bills of Lading-An Analysis of International Conventions and Comparative National Laws
高啓中(Chi-Chung Kao)

我國實務見解對於載貨證券仲裁條款,拘泥於當事人簽名與否,不符國際公約與英美法制,亦抵觸仲裁法。按仲裁法理,載貨證券載有仲裁條款,而未抵觸相關定型化契約規範時,透過載貨證券交付,構成當事人仲裁合意;海商法第 78 條允許運送關係當事人約定仲裁地與仲裁規則,並視為仲裁協議一部份,明文承認載貨證券仲裁條款效力。關於載貨證券引置傭船契約仲裁條款之效力,因仲裁法強調仲裁合意之彰顯,故引置條款未指明引用傭船契約仲裁條款者,應認為未形成仲裁合意;反之、若明確指向傭船契約仲..

Regarding the formality of arbitration clause on bills of lading, our judiciary opinions are insistent upon the signature requirement of the involving parties, which contradict not only the international conventions and the Anglo-American legislations, but also our Arbitration Law. Under the Arbitration Law, a bill of lading containing an arbitration clause that constitutes consent to arbitration by exchange of letter or other communications between parties if the rules for adhesive contract terms are satisfied. Article 78 of..
