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搜尋結果 : 和"美國"有關的資料, 共有360筆
Non-War Offense and Defense: On Preventive Measures Taken by the United States Towards China
殷志偉 (Chee-wei Ying)


In the international arena where powerful nations coexist, and the possibility of war exists, there are differing opinions on who triggers wars. Power transition theory suggests that a rising power will initiate war against a dominant power out of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Other argue that the declining state is motivated by preventive motivation to take action against rising adversary. However, both the power transition theory and the preventive motivation argument primarily focus on the initiation of war. This perspective refle..

Studies in International Political Economy in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect
邱明斌 (Eric M.P. Chiu) 林宬葦 (Cheng-wei Lin)


This paper attempts to provide an overview of Taiwan's International Political Economy (IPE) studies from 2010-2021. We collect the data from Taiwanese academic materials, including Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) journals, Ministry of Science and Technology projects, theses and dissertations, and scholarly books. We rely on descriptive statistics analysis to present the distribution of research subjects and methods in each academic material. In addition, we also compare the analytical results of Taiwanese IPE studies with..

South Korea’s Hedging Strategy Between the United States and China
陳麒安 (Chi-an Chen) 吳崇涵 (Charles Chong-han Wu)


As the United States and China have remained the competition and cooperation in East Asia, hedging has become a pragmatic foreign policy object for the secondary states in the region. This article explores the differences between China’s “partnership” and traditional military alliances, attempting to explain the lack of a clear ideology in the post-Cold War era and its impacts on states’ hedging. Due to the strategy of “partnership” rather than the traditional military alliance, it has prov..

後冷戰時期美中泰三方互動分析: 一個時間序列分析的途徑
The Interaction of the U.S.-China-Thailand Triangle in the Post-Cold War Era: A Time- Series Analysis Approach
黎寶文 (Pao-wen Li)


Facing China’s rise in the post-Cold War era, how do great powers, like the United States, China, and Thailand, who is famous for its bamboo strategy, interact with each other? This paper aims to answer the question by analyzing (1) what events cause structural changes in the triangle; (2) how the third-party effect works in this triangle; (3) how the three actors influence each other. By applying time-series analyses, statistical results show that the 911 attack had led to a structural change for the triangle. The impa..

機會主義者: 英國、美國、台灣與李光耀的總理路(1955-1959)
Opportunist: Britain, America, Taiwan and Lee Kuan Yew’s Road to Prime Minister, 1955-1959
劉曉鵬 (Philip Hsiao-pong Liu)

主流國際關係學者認為,美國在冷戰時期尊重英國在新加坡的殖民地位,故不干涉英國內政,也不介入獨立前新加坡的政治。此外,由於李光耀的反共形象,學者亦少質疑他與美國的友誼;而族群與意識形態接近的台灣,也常被認為與李光耀交好。本文以檔案與國際關係文獻為核心,回顧1950年代李光耀與英國、美國及台灣之間的關係,尋找李光耀不同的面貌。 本文發現李光耀因其行為親北京,使英國與美國產生很大的爭辯,導致美國介入新加坡政治,迥異於主流學者的認知。身為殖民主的英國熟悉新加坡的華人認同政治,認為李光耀是機會..

Many scholars concur US acceptance of Britain’s colonial policies during the Cold War, and therefore rarely study the phenomenon of American intervention in British internal affairs especially with regard to pre-independence Singapore politics. Moreover, because of popular perceptions of Lee Kuan Yew's anti-communist stance, scholars seldom question his relationship with Washington. Taiwan, due to its ethnic and ideological proximity with Singapore, was also widely believed to be friendly towards Lee. Using archival research, this..
