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搜尋結果 : 和" Asia Pacific"有關的資料, 共有4筆
South Korea’s Hedging Strategy Between the United States and China
陳麒安 (Chi-an Chen) 吳崇涵 (Charles Chong-han Wu)


As the United States and China have remained the competition and cooperation in East Asia, hedging has become a pragmatic foreign policy object for the secondary states in the region. This article explores the differences between China’s “partnership” and traditional military alliances, attempting to explain the lack of a clear ideology in the post-Cold War era and its impacts on states’ hedging. Due to the strategy of “partnership” rather than the traditional military alliance, it has prov..

Terrorism in Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Asia-Pacific Security
劉復國(Fu-Kuo Liu)


Over the past decade, terrorist activities in Southeast Asia have increasingly posed great threat upon regional security. By developing international networks, terrorist organizations can effectively launch operation across borders and deliver massive terror to societies concerned. Unlike traditional security threats to states, threats of terrorist organizations are characterized by its vast complexity and scope of activities. Not only do terrorists conduct violent attacks to communities targeted, but also carry out money lau..
