本文旨在釐清學界對於「權力平衡狀態」與「權力平衡體系」的內涵混淆,透過對「權力平衡體系」進行嚴謹的定義,推進權力平衡理論的解釋力。 學界一直對「權力平衡」的理解有許多誤解與偏見,其中,誤將「狀態」等同於「體系」是最常見的問題。本文先回顧華爾茲(Kenneth Waltz)對於體系的界定,指出其中的不足之處,並借用建構主義溫特(Alexander Wendt)的理論來補充。描繪出我們對於權力平衡體系的文化、結構與邏輯等論點。 藉由對體系進行嚴謹的定義,不但使得「權力平衡狀態..
This article aims to clarify the confusion among academic circles about the connotations of “Balance of Power Situation” and “Balance of Power System” and to advance the explanatory power of BOP theory through a rigorous definition of “Balance of Power System.” There have always been many misunderstandings and deviations in “Balance of Power.” Mistaking “situation” with “system” is the most common problem. This article first reviews the definition of “system&r..
在聯合國教育科學文化組織《保護水下文化遺產公約》(Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, CPUCH)之架構下,所謂 「保護」,意指現地保存(in situ),以及無法現地保存時之陸上保存。通說認為,現地保存意味著將水下文化遺產留置在海底,避免商業開發或其他非必要之干擾;此即以保護為旨趣之首要考量,僅於遭遇萬不得已之情況下,且經正當程序,認定確有打撈水下文化遺產之必要,方得捨棄現地保存選項,退而尋..
Within the framework of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage (CPUCH), the first option for the protection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) is ‘in situ preservation,” which means UCH ought to be left on the sea floor. Shipwreck recovery activities are necessary if and only if the competent authorities require them to happen. While multiple policy instruments are used to achieve the in situ preservation, economic instruments are rarely applied. This paper starts with a short ..
武裝衝突期間軍隊保護人類文化資產的角色,國際人道法、國際人權法與國際刑法訂有相關的義務及規範,但此義務或法律規範具體的落實則是有賴於國際組織與強國(主要是美國)在不同的戰爭或武裝衝突期間的實際經驗。即使美國在2003年伊拉克戰爭前已經規劃保護當地文化資產的措施,軍隊及其盟軍仍遭致批評未能保護文化資產。後續2004年在科索沃戰爭期間未能保護東正教(Eastern Orthodox)修道院及防止種族屠殺之間的兩難、2005年在伊拉克薩馬拉(Samarra)歷史1..
This research tries to explore the evolution of international laws regarding the cultural property protection (CPP) during the event of armed conflict with armed forces having obligations to protect cultural property from Law of War, International Humanitarian Law, Law of International Human Rights and International Criminal Law. However, the international practices were based on the interactions of international politics and international laws have been played by great powers (particularly United States) in wars or armed con..
近 400 年來的歐洲,是主權國家平等的「西發里亞體系」,以權力平衡維繫國際秩序;近 600 年以來的東亞,則是中國為天朝而四方小國臣服的「朝貢體系」,是上下層級的國際秩序。為何會有「朝貢體系」?它為何能運作?從現實主義式的觀點來看,「朝貢體系」只是一個包裝過的權力政治,骨子裡仍是物質上的利害與效益計算,中國霸權之下區域國家抵抗無望,不得不臣服。但是,從建構主義式的觀點來看,之所以會有「朝貢體系」的國際秩序,並不只是因為中國的強大,也是因為區域國家認同中國的..
For nearly four centuries, Europe had the so-called Westphalian System of sovereign states, in which balance of power was the basis of international order. In contrast, for nearly six centuries, East Asia had the so-called “tribute system,” a hierarchical order where China was the supreme leader. Why? From a realist perspective, the tribute system was just a wrapper over power politics based on material calculations of interest and benefit: East Asian countries had no choice but submission to China’s hegemon..
1992 年以來,蓋達組織的戰略行為是跨國界、不分軍民的恐怖攻擊。蓋達恐怖組織主要以打擊西方世界與其盟友的利益,為主要目標,形成國際安全的巨大威脅。本文使用文本、歷史、迷思與信仰四個文化要素,以蓋達組織為例,試圖理解宗教導向恐怖組織的戰略行為;以《古蘭經》與《聖訓》 為主的伊斯蘭宗教文本,賦予蓋達組織戰略脈絡;二戰後的歷史經驗,形成蓋達組織將西方勢力逐出伊斯蘭世界的戰略目標:源於極端伊斯蘭思想的理念迷思,將「聖戰」作為恐怖攻擊的戰略手段;最後賓拉登的信仰,落..
Since 1992, al-Qaeda's strategic behavior is characterized by its cross- border and indiscriminate massive terror attacks with both military personnel and civilians as targets. Al-Qaeda’s goal is to strike the interests of the Western and its allies, thus posing a dangerous threat to international security. This article attempts to use four cultural elements – text, history, myths and beliefs – to understand the strategic behavior of al-Qaeda that is religious- oriented. “Quran" and “had..
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