2015 年 7 月,希臘的公民投票以 61%的多數否決了歐盟的第三次紓困案,希臘主權債務危機再起。基於國際資金自 2010 年起已陸續處分希臘資產,其他歐債危機國家亦陸續走向經濟復甦的現實下,此次希臘債務危機對全球與歐盟經濟影響有限。希臘公投事件主要影響的是本國利益,公投為希臘換來更嚴格的紓困條件,反轉了復甦中的經濟成長,同時賠上了僅存的政府信譽與國際信任。從希臘是歐債危機國家中唯一被紓困三次、債務減少一 半、獲得最多金援、五年來卻仍未有效控制危機等多項「..
The EU’s bailout package was vetoed by the Greek people in the referendum of July 2015. This unexpected outcome caused the recurrence of the Greek debt crisis. Since international investors have disposed their holdings on Greek assets and other crisis countries in the eurozone have been recovering from the European sovereign debt crisis, the Greek event had limited impact on the world and EU economies this time. What this referendum event has affected most was its own national interests. It not only resulted in stricter..
The European sovereign debt crisis emerged from a few euro members being stuck with high-deficits and high-indebtedness, and thus is oversimplified to be referred to as the euro debt crisis. It, in fact, consists of several individual crises with different causes. The Greek crisis was a governance crisis that lacks of fiscal disciple by nature; the Irish and Spanish crises were the bubble crisis of the property sector and banking crisis caused by the US sub-prime crisis; the Italian and Portuguese crises involve more structur..
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