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搜尋結果 : 和"國家"有關的資料, 共有217筆
Developmental State and the Transformation of the Market Governance Network: A Comparative Study between Singapore and Taiwan
李宗榮(Zong-Rong Lee)施奕任(Yi-Jen Shih)

台灣與新加坡雖然一直被學者認為是發展國家的典型案例,然而兩者在 1990 年代之後卻邁向截然不同的轉型途徑;展現在國家介入市場的特徵上也大異其趣。雖然有關兩個發展國家的現況已有許多個別研究,然而透過比較的視角以探討兩地公私部門間的網絡鑲嵌結構的差異,在目前的研究文獻中仍然鮮少。本文透過制度論的分析架構,聚焦在兩者的政府介入企業層次的治理網絡,考察其結構的形成歷史與演變軌跡,透過量化的資料比較其異同,並探討兩種不同網絡結構可能會有的政經意涵。1990 年代以後..

Although Taiwan and Singapore have been considered as two successful cases of the developmental state model, their recent transformations demonstrate distinct and divergent paths. Recent studies have documented this transition from a macro perspective of the political-economic process, yet scholars have been relatively inattentive to the market governance network from a meso-organizational perspective. We believe that it will help us better understand the transforming nature of two developmental states by looking at the netwo..

Current Relations between the United States and the Latin American Radical Leftist Governments and Their Prospects: A Case Study of the Diplomatic Confrontation between the United States, Bolivia, and Venezuela in 2008
柯玉枝(Yu-Chih Ko)

2008 年 9 月,美國、玻利維亞及委內瑞拉三國爆發令周邊國家擔憂的嚴重外交衝突事件。這個緊張情勢雖然在三方決定自我克制的情況下,除了相互驅逐大使,情勢並未惡化,但三方何以採取如此克制的作為,是筆者欲在本文探討的議題。本文利用傑維斯(Robert Jervis)1976年書中所提出決策者的認知、對他國意向的解讀、敵意的高低等認知心理途徑的核心概念,檢視 2008 年美、玻、委三國外交衝突事件中,三方究竟本於何種的利益考量或計算,才做出相互克制以緩解衝突的決..

In September 2008, there was a serious diplomatic confrontation involving the United States, Bolivia, and Venezuela that alarmed other countries in the Western Hemisphere. The decision to exercise self-restraint on all sides meant that action was limited to the mutual expulsion of ambassadors and the crisis did not escalate. In this paper, the author studies why the three countries exercised such self-restraint. Robert Jervis’ core concepts of policymakers’ perceptions, the understanding of other countries’ ..

The Political Economy of Japan's Financial Changes: When the Developmental State is No Longer Developing
林文斌(Wen-Pin Lin)

日本戰後形成的發展型國家體制被視為是1990 年代「失落十年」的元兇,日本政府因此採取了眾多政治與經濟上的構造改革。本文檢視日本發展型國家體制中兩個促成日本經濟成長的重要制度如何因改革而發生變化:一是力量強大的大藏省用來保護金融界的「護送船團」金融監理制度,二是傳統上金融界相互分擔分險、銀行和企業間特殊溝通管道而形成的「主要經辦銀行制度」。不少學者認為日本發展型國家已經轉型為英美式的監理型國家,但本文發現,雖然改革後的金融監理制度可說趨向監理型國家,「主要經..

The developmental state built after WWII has been blamed for Japan’s “lost decade” of the 1990s. The Japanese government takes a lot of structure reforms in politics and economics. This article examines how the two- important traditional structures of Japanese developmental state that were named as the engines of postwar economic successes were transformed by reforms. The first is so called “convoy system” financial regulation: the powerful ministry Okurasho with this system protected the financi..

The States' Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
傅岳邦(Yueh-Pang Fu)高文彬(Wen-Bing Gau)

1997 年 12 月聯合國氣候變化綱要公約的京都議定書問世以來,各國的履行狀況各異:有些國家選擇履行,有些國家選擇不履行;有些國家履行的步調迅速,有些國家履行的步調緩慢。本文運用關係締約途徑,從剩餘控制權利與全球環境治理結構、交易成本與全球環境治理結構調適等面向,分析影響各國履行的因素。 全球環境治理結構愈是偏向行動者剩餘控制權利懸殊的階層關係,各行動者所須付出的治理成本愈高,愈偏好傾向無政府關係的全球環境治理結構,以降低治理成本;另..

Due to the presence of states’ various implementing conditions of Kyoto Protocol since December 1997, this essay intends to analyze the factors through dimensions of rights of residual control, global environmental governance structure, transaction cost, and the adaptation of global environmental governance structure from relational contracting approaches. Actors tend to choose more anarchical relations of global environmental governance structure to decrease high governance costs resulted from hierarchical r..

From "State" to "People": In Light of Human Security
蔡育岱(Yu-Tai Ts'ai)譚偉恩(Wei-En Tan)

人類安全概念提出以來至今已逾十年,始終沒有獲得安全研究領域的重視。冷戰結束後,雖有非傳統安全在研究上對傳統安全侷限於軍事問題的缺漏進行修補,但依舊忽略「個人」對於安全研究的價值。本文認為,目前既有的安全研究已不能迎合全球化時代國際關係的發展趨勢,而把「個人」排除在安全研究的討論之外或是予以邊緣化,則為一種理解上的疏失。實際上,無論傳統安全所強調的軍事領域,或是非傳統安全所關注的貧窮、發展、疾病等問題,其核心與基礎的安全價值均構築在每一個「個人」身上, 這歸因..

Even though the concept of Human Security first emerged more than a decade ago, it never gained much attention in the field of security study. In the post-Cold War era, non-traditional security study somehow rectified the defect of traditional security study that focused simply on military affairs, and was not comprehensive enough to understand the crucial role ‘People’ played in security study. From authors’ view, the present comprehension of security study can no longer catch up with the mainstream develop..
