國際關係主流理論研究的是多邊關係,但是多邊關係得以運作,其前提在於,當多邊關係受限時,可仰賴雙邊關係加以維繫或超越,使多邊關係免於遭到直接挑戰。本文主張將雙邊關係做為國際關係研究途徑加以探究,並以戰後英國因實力變化而選擇轉向雙邊為個案。出於避免一夕崩壞及維護利益的設想,孱弱的大英帝國在戰後選擇向雙邊主義靠攏,美中兩國成為優先考量。即便這兩組雙邊關係間存在矛盾,卻是英國勉強藉由兩組雙邊關係維繫既有多邊框架,再行逐步調整,進而在戰後世界站穩腳跟的機制。 ..
Mainstream IR theories are typically multilateral. However, for any multilateral frame or value to last, bilateral relations must be able to resolve conceivable limitations. Thus, bilateral relations should be intrinsic to IR theorization. We use the United Kingdom in the aftermath of WWII as our case. The UK managed bilateral relations with the United States and China as ways to overcome its decline after the war. The bilateral relations transcend the multilateral frame and value. Accordingly, the UK’s two bilateral re..
本文主旨在探索國際關係理論本身存在的理論反思性,包括反思性較強的批判性國際關係理論、後現代主義、建構主義等理論,以及反思性較弱的 現實主義與自由主義等理論,尤其是現實主義反思中出現的反思現實主義 (reflexive realism),特別是其對於國際關係學界忽略的現實主義之政治-倫理面向及理論化過程的反思,以及其理論內涵與特色;進而其引發國際關係理論研究未來發展的可能性。本文首先分析國際關係理論的理論反思性及其核心元素,以及非主流各理論的反思性。其次,分析..
This article explores theoretical reflexivities of international relations theories, including the stronger reflexivity of the critical international relations theory, postmodernism, constructivism, and the weaker reflexivity of realism and liberalism. In particular, the reflection of realism has brought out “reflective realism” which reveals the political-ethical aspects and theorization, as well as contents and characters of realism. This article also explores possible contributions of reflective realism to inte..
國際關係學者瓦特(Stephen M. Walt)曾提出以「威脅平衡」概念為主的聯盟理論,挑戰了現實主義內部關於「權力平衡」的論點,後來又有學者提出「利益平衡」與「推卸責任」的論述加以反駁。經由本文的探討與重新檢視,這些學者爭論的焦點在於「制衡」與「扈從」概念上的界定。由於學界對於「扈從」在理論解釋與個案運用上的解讀不同,其實際上涵蓋了積極扈從(順從)與消極扈從(屈從)兩種相反的概念,吾人若僅從「制衡」與「扈從」兩種分類便欲判斷何者在國際關係中較為盛行,則易..
Stephen M. Walt proposed his theory of alliances, focusing mainly on the concept of balance-of-threat. His statement challenged the prevailing concept of balance-of-power theory of traditional realism, thereby receiving criticizisms of “balance-of-interest” and “buck-passing.” This article re- examines the debates, and finds out that the major controversy is in fact how to circumscribe “balancing” and “bandwagoning”. When using the concept of “bandwagoning”, scholars..
As a reminder for the domestic scholars in International Relations to acquaint to the International Historical Sociology(HIS), this paper aims at researching the development, reflections and prospects of IHS, while analyzing its strengths and future orientations. This paper presents a five-part analysis to reach these aims. The first part describes the popularity of IHS. Though more scholars have paid attentions to it in recent years, the trends in Taiwan have been opposite. This paper drafts a short review and call for Inter..
國際關係理論的第三次大辯論中,廣為人知的是(新)自由主義與 (新)現實主義的辯論,較少為人關注的是實證主義與後實證主義之間的後設理論爭論,以及因此引發的後設理論研究爭議。後實證主義質疑既有國際關係理論的本體與知識基礎,更使國際關係學者質疑到底後設理論研究是否有助於國際關係理論與實務的研究。後實證主義關注的是後設理論層次而非實質理論層次,後設理論是(國際關係)理論的理論(a theory of theory)或是有關(國際關係)理論的理論(a theory a..
In the third Great Debate in International Relations, the debate between (Neo)Realism and(Neo)Liberalism has been well known; whereas the metatheoretical debate between Positivism and Postpositivism have been ignored. Postpositivism questioned the ontological and epistemological foundations of the established International Relations theory. It has caused the scholars to wonder whether metatheoretical researches exert positive incluences on theories and practices of International Relations. Postpositivism is concerned with the..
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