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搜尋結果 : 和"理論"有關的資料, 共有123筆
The Development of Military Innovation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
陳文政(York W. Chen)

軍事創新自 1980 年代中葉起成為戰略研究的重要研究議題之一,從創新一詞的提出,與對擴散、邏輯漸進主義以及突現性變革途徑等相關概念的轉化、應用與深入研究,均呈現出跨科際研究的多元風貌。在各種背景不同、功能互異的學科交相衝擊下,使得軍事創新的相關論述不斷推陳出新。加上後冷戰時期,各主要國家軍隊為因應威脅形態的轉變,無不積極從事軍事轉型的工作,這些因素使得創新與轉型不僅成為戰略研究中的學理論戰焦點,更具有鮮明的實務重要性。誠如 Andrew Pettigrew 所言:對於創新的研究不當限於..

Military innovation became one of the major research agendas within the field of strategic studies since the mid-1980s. The military innovation studies, at the onset, presented the landscape of interdisciplinary diversity From the introduction of the term "innovation" to the translation, application, and investigation of related concepts such as diffusion, logical incrementalism, or emergent approach, the knowledge of military innovation, which was deeply affected by the contributions of various disciplines whose academic backgrou..

Application of the International Monetary Power Theory: Analyzing Policy Changes of the Chinese Foreign Exchange Rate
趙文志(Wen-Chih Chao)

雖然中國政府重申不會在國際壓力下改革人民幣匯率,但其終究在 2005 年 7 月 21 日改革人民幣匯率體制與水平,本文透過貨幣權力關係理論的途徑探討為什麼中國會改變人民幣匯率政策。本文論證了美國是國際貨幣權力關係中的強國,在貨幣權力理論中延遲的權力與轉移的權力上,確認了美國的貨幣權力高於中國,讓美國得以在此一國際貨幣權力關係中向中國施壓,使得中國在人民幣匯率政策上無法說不,而必須改變人民幣實施多年的固定匯率體制。但由於中國並非美國傳統上的盟邦且在軍事、安全..

Although the Chinese government has reiterated that the reform of Renminbi(RMB)exchange rate would not be influenced by international political pressure, it adjusted the exchange rate regime and level on July 21, 2005. The main purpose of the paper is trying to analyze why the Chinese government changed the exchange rate policy through international monetary power theory. The paper proved that the U.S. is a stronger power than China in the dimension of international liquidity, owned reserves, borrowing capacity, degree of ope..

The Characteristics of Theory and Method in Historical Institutionalism
黃宗昊(Tsung-Hao Huang)


As a school, historical institutionalism integrates research agenda, theory and method as a whole. Researchers in this field intend to answer “big questions” and to solve real-world puzzles, inducing specific characteristics in their theory and method. In aspect of method, historical institutionalists agree on “causal process model” in the qualitative researches and analyze historical process systematically with the comparative method. Facing the challenge from quantitative researchers, historical inst..

The Breakdown, Survival and Transformation of Semi-Presidentialism a Comparative Research between the Weimar Republic and Finland
沈有忠(Yu-Chung Shen)

受到越來越多新興民主國家制訂半總統制憲法的影響,對於半總統制的相關研究也越來越受到重視。依照學界對半總統制的定義,威瑪共和與芬蘭都在 1919 年設計出符合半總統制內涵的憲法,可說是當代最早的兩個半總統制的個案。這兩個國家的憲政運作卻有完全相反的結果:威瑪在 1933 年崩潰,而芬蘭先是渡過經濟危機,更在 80 年代逐漸往議會制轉型。本文擬就制度與非制度因素的互動,討論這兩個個案運作的迥異結果。本文將從憲法理論做比較的出發點,分析兩種不同理論基礎的半總統制憲..

As democratization spread in Eastern and Central Europe over the last two decades, Semi-Presidentialism has become a concept with more attention paid when discussing constitutional issues. By definition, the Weimar Republic and Finland were two of the initial experiments of semi- presidentialism. However, the constitutional practices in the Weimar Republic and Finland are worlds apart. Both semi-presidential, the Weimar Republic had broken down but Finland became a quasi-parliamentary democracy. This paper intends on discussi..
