隨著反傾銷稅及平衡稅等貿易救濟措施之增加,反規避條款之適用亦愈趨頻繁且產生了若干隱憂。進口國雖然認為反規避措施係為了處理規避反傾銷稅及平衡稅之問題而具有正當性,但規避行為同時有可能僅是生產者或出口商的在進口國或第三國的直接投資行為。與反傾銷稅及平衡稅係受 WTO 反傾銷協定及補貼暨平衡稅措施協定規範不同,WTO 對於反規避措施並未加以規範,因此產生了適用上之若干問題。若進口國對於原本非屬反傾銷稅調查對象之進口產品,以反規避調查之方式擴大對其適用反傾銷稅,即表..
Accompanying an increase of anti-dumping measures, anti-circumvention actions aim to prevent escapes from the anti-dumping measures, but also raise certain concerns. An Importing country may have justified reasons to initiate anti-circumvention investigation on the importing products not included in the original anti-dumping measures, because circumvention nullifies or reduces effective antidumping. However, circumvention might be just nothing more than direct investment in the importing country or a third country. Anti-dumpi..
This paper presents the main results of the “European Small States Security” to the research community. The Community in three years’ time analyzes the governance model under the EU framework from the perspective of small states functional cooperation in non-traditional security. These studies also explore how small states can enhance their security strategy and bolster capabilities through transnational cooperation and effective governance mechanisms, aiming to answer the following sub- questions: why small..
英國於 2016 年 6 月 23 日舉行全國性公投,脫歐派以 51.9%勝出,再於 2017 年 3 月 29 日啟動《歐洲聯盟條約》第 50 條脫歐程序,意味英國通知後的兩年內脫離歐盟。英國脫歐將對英國與歐盟帶來重大深遠之影響,英歐未來關係很大程度將取決於脫歐談判之結果,包括脫歐條件、過渡機制以及雙邊協定等安排。本文以英國脫歐對歐盟之影響為研究對象,探討英國脫歐對歐盟預算、經貿、歐洲整合及對外關係等方面之潛在影響。本文建議英國與歐盟應從事理性談判,架構出..
A national referendum was held in the UK on 23 June 2016, with the result of a 51.9% vote to exit the EU. On 29 March 2017, the UK triggered the Article 50 procedure which will lead to Brexit in two years. Brexit poses a big challenge for both the UK and the EU. Future UK-EU relationship will mainly be decided by the results of the Brexit negotiations, in terms of its exit arrangements, transitional mechanisms, bilateral agreements, etc. This paper focuses on the impact of Brexit on the EU, particularly on the EU’s budg..
蒙古位於亞洲內陸,夾處於中、俄兩大強國之間的戰略位置,使其曾長期被兩大強鄰視為領土的邊疆(frontier)。隨著 1991 年蘇聯瓦解,使近代蒙古第一次擁有完整主權。此後,蒙古的對外政策定調為「不結盟、等距離、全方位」,在「第三鄰國」戰略操作及地理條件基礎下,以平衡為原則,執行外交策略。誠然,蒙古如何在兩大強鄰之間求取平衡的生存之道,建構出獨立與靈活的外交及經貿空間,是蒙古確保國家安全的一大課題,也是本文的研究目的。  ..
Mongolia, with its strategic location between China and Russia in the inner Asia, is seen by its powerful neighbors for hundreds of years as a frontier. In 1991, modern Mongolia obtained complete sovereignty for the first time after the disruption of USSR, Hereafter, its foreign policy was principled upon “independence, non-alignment, multi-pillars”. Under the “third neighbor” strategy, Mongolia uses the opportunities endowed from its geography to balance neighboring threats, ensure its national securi..
歐洲歷經兩極體系瓦解與區域整合不斷推進的國際局勢,處在歐洲大陸的眾多國家各自發展出不同的安全策略、採取多種途徑保障本身國家安全,我們認為歐洲國家的安全策略選擇有其路徑可循,本文著重討論此種策略選擇的因素分析。在案例揀選上,本文特別著重歐洲中小型國家安全策略選擇,這主要是因為過去相當長的時間國際關係學多著重於大國安全研究,對中小型國家重視程度仍有待提升,因此本文擬從中小型國家著手,分析這一群國家安全策略選擇。 在安全策略選擇模式建立上,本..
The European continent has been free of great wars since the end of Cold War. This article assesses security studies in international relations by focusing on middle ground states’ strategic choices in relation to great powers. We argue that Small and Medium States(SMSs)widespread in Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and South Caucasus have their strategic calculations in shaping their security choices. The article posits that the decision-making process of SMSs’ security policies rests upon differentiated and cros..
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