In a U.S.-dominated post-Cold War unipolar international system, the possible power shifts between the second-tier great powers and the Americans, such as a systemic balance, will have great impacts on the existence and endurance of the current international system. According to the Realist theses, “balance of power” is a stabilizing factor that contributes to international security and regional stability as the great powers endeavor to prevent concentration of capabilities in one or a few nations through the process of distribu..
印巴關係一直是南亞區域安全的焦點,而印巴自兩國獨立之後就擺盪在戰爭與和談之間,長久以來對喀什米爾(Kashmir)主權的認知無法達成共 識。本文的論點是,「安全困境」(security dilemma)不一定是印巴關係的宿命。兩國之間的戰或和,多半取決於主要決策者在面對國內各利益團體及國際的壓力時,基於維持權力的目的,做出決策所造成的結果。本文將以 1998-2004 年期間印巴和平進程為例,探討印巴兩國在國際、國內環境及領導利益等因素影響之下所做的決策,如..
This article will examine the relations between India and Pakistan during 1998-2004 and study how decisions made by leaders of India and Pakistan under domestic and international pressure had influenced India- Pakistan relations. The article argues that the India-Pakistan relations will not necessarily be trapped in the "security dilemma." The relations between the two countries for a large part depend on the decisions of major policymakers based on the goal of maintaining power as well as foreign players such as th..
The establishing of South Asian studies in America during the decades following the WWII marked an important shift in the study of South Asia from Oriental studies and Indology towards an interdisciplinary area studies approach which tried to treat this area as objects of social sciences and humanities. During the ensuing decade, the earnest scholarship begun with the leading universities, such as the University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania; all fostered new projects focused on South Asia. They had emphasized study ..
2006 年,索羅門群島政府先後宣布澳大利亞駐索羅門群島高專科爾 (Patrick Cole) 及澳籍警察總監卡索(Shane Castles) 為「不受歡迎人物」(persona non grata) ,兩國外交關係惡化,之後索羅門群島向國際控訴,由澳大利亞領導的「索羅門群島區域援助團」(RAMSI) 不符索羅門群島期待,希望RAMS I 撤離。太平洋各島國於是在同年1 0月舉行的第3 7 屆「太平洋島圈論壇」 (Pacific Islands Forum , PIF) 峰會上, 決定..
The government of Soloman Islands declared former Australian high commissioner Patrick Cole and police commissioner Shane Castles as persona non grata in 2006. The incidence had worsened the relationship between Soloman Islands and Australia. The Prime Minister of Soloman Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, wants RAMSI to evacuate from his country. In order to resolve this dispute, the 37th Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in 2006 established the Forum Troika of the past, present and incoming chairs to review RAMSI and its future. RAMSI is a regiona..
本文擬由英國的經驗來探討台灣的醫療資源配給問題,期能藉此對台灣現階段的資源配給議題提出具體的建議。本文所指的英國經驗,包括英國政府或民間所實施的實務經驗,以及英國本土學者所進行的理念論戰,因為實務與理論對於台灣的具體政策建議具有同等重要性。 本文分為四個段落,第一個段落先就名詞作界定,並陳述資源配給的層級與型式,以作為討論的基礎。第二段探討資源配給的若干原則,包括以需要為基礎的效率、公平和可行性三個原則的取捨,區分決策層級的配給原則,以及說明配給過程中應由資訊亦或機構取得優先地位..
This article aims to explore the experience of rationing of healthcare resources in the UK, and its implications for the healthcare system reform in Taiwan. The UK experience of rationing mentioned in this article includes the practical policy or clinical issues faced by the UK government, as well as the theoretical or conceptual debates among researchers in the UK. It is revealed that the practical and theoretical issues have equivalent impact on the policy implications for healthcare rationing in Taiwan. Four sections are presented. T..
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