2008年全球金融危機爆發,重挫跨國資本市場;既有全球金融治理機制備受質疑之餘,也開啟2008年之後繁複的治理機制改革之路。 本研究認為2008年之後的全球金融治理機制改革有三個不同的層次:從規範、制度到結構,每個層次對於治理機制改革的重點議題與運作方式與目的各有不同的掌握。規範層次與制度層次的共同點在於皆強調在既有金融治理機制的改革;二者差別在於,規範層次專注於監理內容的補強,而制度層次側重行為者之間的互動方式與關係。較諸前二者,結構..
This paper examines the reform of global financial governance mechanism after the global financial crisis in 2008. The research argues that three different levels of reform could be identified in order to get a thorough understanding of the governance reform during the last ten years, i.e. regulatory level, institutional level, and structural level, each of which assumes different causes to the financial crisis and prescriptions to the problematic governance mechanism reform. Regulatory reform supporters..
By reviewing the studies about peacekeeping operations, this essay focuses on the contributions and contradictions of those studies and the neo- liberalism arguments about international organization studies. Firstly, the principal-agent problems (PA problems) are not only the most common phenomena in the practice of the peacekeeping operations but also are the wide-adapted framework in those studies, particularly on those PA problems that originated from the vague division of labor and from the severe conflict of interests. S..
日本首相握有解散眾議院的權力,眾議院解散後必然伴隨著眾議院的改選,而眾議院的多數勢力得以組閣執政,掌握國家龐大的政治資源。取得政權是政黨的最優先戰略目標,因此首相會選擇有利的時機解散眾議院。 以往的研究指出,首相解散眾議院通常有先決條與最佳時機。但是,安倍首相於 2014 年 11 月宣布解散眾議院的狀況,不同以往,甚至安倍首相自身提出的以暫緩提升消費稅為解散的理由,對選民而言亦欠缺說服力。既然如此,安倍首相為何還是宣布解散眾議院?本文..
The Japanese prime minister is empowered to dissolve the House of Representatives, which sets a stage for a general election that enables the parliamentary majority to form a new cabinet. The prime minister will choose a favorable opportunity to dissolve the House of Representatives in order to retain the regime. Previous studies have indicated that there are certain conditions and optimal timing for the prime minister to disband the House of Representatives. However, the dissolution announced by Prime Minister Abe..
民主黨於 2009 年的眾議院選舉中大勝,取代自民黨執政,然而也在 3 年後的選舉中大敗而結束政權。「民主黨政權為何失敗?」成為研究現代日本政治變動的新題材。既有的研究主要從政治主導的失敗、首相領導權的不足,以及政權公約的挫折來分析,本文則從「分立國會」的新觀點來分析,論述在「分立國會」架構下,參議院如何透過「特例公債法案」的審查,來影響民主黨政權的重要政策與政權運作。 本文研究結果發現,以往被視為眾議院輔助角色的參議院,其影響力已經不..
The Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)won a landslide victory in the election of House of Representatives in 2009, replacing the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)as the ruling party, but abruptly terminated due to an overwhelming defeat in another election three years later. Why did the DPJ fail? This question has become a striking issue of modern political science in Japan. Existing studies mainly focus on perspectives such as defeat of political dominance, inadequacy of prime minister’s leadership, or failure of Manifesto. Th..
為什麼北韓與古巴的統治者可以經歷二十世紀末期的民主化與所謂「第三波民主」(Third Wave Democracy)的浪潮,化解內外壓力,屹立不搖?北韓與古巴的統治體系與制度運作有何特質,讓這兩國的統治者可以牢牢地鞏固政權,而且延續家族的統治?北韓與古巴未來的政治轉型有哪些變數或面向值得注意?為探討這些問題,本文檢視若干政體分類的要點與問題,以及「顏色革命」、「茉莉花革命」的論述,採用文獻探討與訪談法,比較北韓與古巴的政治領袖與領導階層、黨國體系、意識形態、..
Why have North Korea and Cuba been able to resist pressure posed by democratization at the end of the twentieth century and the Third Wave Democracy? What are the systemic and institutional characteristics of the North Korean and Cuban ruling structures? How have the systems consolidated political power for the ruling families and the ruling class? The author explores the aforementioned questions via documentary analyses and interviews. The author highlights similarities and differences between the two non-democratic and hybr..
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