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搜尋結果 : 和"政治"有關的資料, 共有324筆
從政治不正確到政治正確: 波蘭右翼反難民(移民)論述的挑戰
From Political Incorrectness to Political Correctness: Challenges Faced by the Anti- Refugee/Immigration Discourses of Political Right Wings in Poland
林政宜(Cheng-yi Lin) 王孟平(Meng-ping Wang) 張世強(Shih-chiang Chang)

自從1989年共黨統治垮台之後,波蘭曾被視為前東歐共黨集團國家中最為成功的民主轉型和歐洲整合範例;然而,2015年「歐洲難民危機」 爆發之後,在「法律與公正黨」(PiS)領銜之下,伴隨著基進的反難民(移民)言論,卻為波蘭點燃前所未見的右翼狂潮,不僅已經成為二戰法西斯主義之後最顯眼的政治現象,也為現代西方自由民主政體制度帶來嚴峻的挑戰。從一個較為廣泛的波蘭脈絡出發,本文將從政治、文化和歷史三個面向,剖析難民危機安全化、基進反難民(移民)論述和今日政治右翼霸權(..

Since the fall of Communism in 1989, Poland has once been viewed as the most successful example of the democratic transition and European integration among former Eastern bloc nations. In the wake of 2015’s refugee crisis, however, a full-outbreak of Poland’s political right-wing movement with their radical anti-refugee/immigrant rhetoric, led by ‘Law and Justice’ (PiS), has already become the most striking political phenomenon in Europe since WWII’s fascism and posed a comprehensive challenge to..

因果機制和政治解釋: 民主和平論和現實主義的論辯
Causal Mechanism and Political Explanation: Debate between Democratic Peace Theory and Realism
蔡榮祥(Jung-hsiang Tsai)

本文主要的目的在於爬梳社會科學方法論中因果機制分析的發展和演進,並進一步評估政治學研究中如何運用因果機制來進行解釋以及討論相關的解釋效力的問題。本文將具體評析政治學國際關係領域中民主和平論之論點,以此來衡量政治學運用因果機制解釋的優勢和侷限。因果機制研究層面上,本文聚焦在機制的定義和類型、機制的觀察性、因果機制與因果關係、法則和中介變數的差異、機制的層次、機制的運作和測量、機制的路徑圖。因果機制運用層面上,本文側重於民主和平論的源起和演進、 民主和平論的重要論述、對於民主和平論的挑戰以及..

The main purpose of this paper is to parse out the development and evolution of causal mechanism and to further evaluate how political research adopts the method of causal mechanism to explain and discuss the explanatory effect in the field of qualitative methods. Our focus is to shed light on the causal mechanism of democratic peace theory in the field of international relations and to gauge its advantages and restraints. On the dimension of causal mechanism, this paper focuses on the definition of mechanism, observation of causal mechanis..

同極相吸?南方國家之間的公私協力夥伴關係: 以中國廠商在泰國與緬甸的公共建設投資為例
The South-South Public-Private Partnerships Sometimes Attracting Each Other: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Infrastructure Investment in Thailand and Myanmar
蘇翊豪(Yi-hao Su)


South-South Cooperation is believed to facilitate development smoothly. However, why do some projects of public-private partnership in infrastructure (PPI) between Southern countries create contention while others do not? This research argues that types of enterprises and interfirm cooperation are two determinants of contentious politics against foreign involvement in PPI in Southern countries. To explain how this mechanism works, I focus on Chinese firms’ port and power construction PPI in Thailand and Myanmar. The com..

東南亞人權政治:條約承諾的意義 (1981∼2015)
The Motives of Ratification: Human Rights Treaties in Southeast Asia (1981-2015)
顏永銘(Yung-Ming Yen)


The last few decades witnessed positive developments in terms of human rights across Southeast Asia. It is widely believed that progresses such as the creation of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) suggested the willingness of regional countries to identify themselves with universal human rights. Nevertheless, no consensus has been reached in academia yet regarding human rights treaty commitment of regional countries. This article intends to make contribution to the knowledge of human rights treaty rat..
