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搜尋結果 : 和"EC"有關的資料, 共有866筆
Global Governance through Self Governance: Placing the Responsible Major State in the Chinese History of Political Thoughts
石之瑜(Chih-Yu Shih)邵軒磊(Hsuan-Lei Shao)


Both the political leaders and intellectuals in China want to present the image of her being a responsible country in the world. Their understandings of responsibility are not directed at an external audience, although they closely watch what the latter expects of China. In the global age, the expectation is always about China’s contribution to conflict resolutions, and alleviation and prevention of global problems, whatever it may be. The Chinese political thoughts, classic as well as modern, are so grounded in their c..

The Contamination Effect in a Mixed-Member Majoritarian System: the Influence of LDP's Dual Candidacy in the Japanese House Elections (1996-2005)
郭銘峰(Ming-Feng Kuo)黃紀(Chi Huang)王鼎銘(Ding-Ming Wang)

混合式選制融合了多數決與比例代表兩種選制的精神,不過關於此種選制兩票架構對投票的影響,有兩種截然不同的主張:一是認為兩票各自獨立運作,其影響可以獨立估算;另一派則主張兩票抉擇會相互影響,亦即具有所謂連動效果(interaction effects,或稱感染效果 contamination effects)的存在,因此必須綜合考量兩票架構的互動關係。而在日本施行的混合選制,又因允許候選人在兩種選票間重複提名,更使得其兩票間的連動關係益形複雜。 ..

The Mixed Electoral System combines the spirits of plurality and proportional representation. The way two-ballot structure influencing the voting behavior however is not settled. Of the two distinctive schools, one believed that two ballots work separately and therefore, their influences should be estimated independently. The other group advocated the existence of contamination effects (or interaction effects), and believed that it is necessary to consider the interaction between two ballots. As for the Mixed- Member Majorita..

Retrospect and Prospect on the Disputes of the East China Sea Oil and Gas Fields
呂建良(Chien-Liang Lu)

1960 年代末期,海洋地質專家即已預測東海大陸礁層蘊藏著豐富的油氣資源,並且造成了周圍國家的震撼,臺灣、中國與日本競相投入海域的探勘活動。但是,後來為了避免國際紛爭,各方遂停止在東海探採石油。然而,隨著海底資源開發技術的發展、國際原油價格節節攀升,以及聯合國海洋法公約的生效,中、日雙方圍繞在東海油氣田的爭端再度爆發出來。由於中國開始在日本主張的「中間線」附近開採石油,造成日本的強烈反應,雙方衝突不斷升級,值得臺灣密切關注。深究中、日在東海發生爭端的根本原因..

In the late 1960s, marine geologists had predicted that the continental shelf in the East China Sea is rich in oil and gas. This finding shocked the surrounding regions of Taiwan, Japan, and China, leading to a fever of oil exploration. These countries then stopped the exploration to prevent further international disputes. However, as new seabed resources exploring technology is developed, rising price of crude oil, and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the conflict of the East China Sea oil and g..

A Political-Economic Analysis of the Development and Influences of Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Funds
范世平(Shih-Ping Fan)

過去以來新加坡的主權基金,由於其卓越的經營績效與成功的管理模式,被視為全球主權基金的模範生。而不論是新加坡政府投資公司析或是淡馬錫控股公司,這兩大新加坡主權基金者都建構出不同的發展與投資模式,除了相輔相成地提昇了新加坡在國際間的政治經濟實力,而且將其收益還富於民。本文透過 「相互依存」 與「經濟激勵」的角度,分析新加坡主權基金發展迄今的意義, 特別是在 2007 年美國發生次貸風暴而引發的全球金融危機後,其重要性與競爭優勢更被凸顯。但是不可諱言的是,當其資金大舉輸出與進行企業併購之後,也..

In the past, the Sovereign Wealth Funds of Singapore was viewed as a paradigm for global Sovereign Wealth Funds due to its outstanding management performance and successful management model. Regardless of Government of Singapore Investment Corporation and Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, these two major Sovereign Wealth Funds constructed divergent development trajectories and investment patterns. Except for collectively improving Singapore's political-economic power around the world, they also benefited Singaporean citizens financially. Thro..
